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dǎo xí
  • follow slavishly;slavishly follow
蹈袭 [dǎo xí]
  • [slavishly follow] 因袭,走别人走过的路

  • 蹈袭前人

  • 芾为文奇险,不蹈袭前人轨辙。--《宋史.米芾传》

蹈袭[dǎo xí]
  1. 不要老是蹈袭他人,你应该有主见。

    Don 't always copy what the others do ; use your own ideas .

  2. 没有巩固的和平与团结,没有人民的动员,抗战的前途便会蹈袭阿比西尼亚的覆辙。

    Unless peace and unity are consolidated , unless the people are mobilized , our armed resistance will meet the same fate as Abyssinia 's.

  3. 归纳总结了多媒体课件设计与制作中应遵循的基本原则、基本方法、常用工具和应防止蹈袭的误区。

    This article sums up the basic principles should being followed , the basic methods , the tools in common use , and mistake areas should being prevented in the design and facture of multimedia courseware .
