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  1. 首先讨论的是一个由非线性非局部源耦合,边值取解在区域的加权平均值的非线性抛物模型。

    Firstly , we consider a parabolic system coupled via nonlocal sources where each component on the boundary takes its weighted mean value over the domain .

  2. 对于LQG问题,即使存在最简单的不确定性,得到的问题也无法直接求取最优解。

    Even when the simplest uncertainty emerges in the LQG problem , the optimal solution of the problem cannot be obtained directly .

  3. 在理论上运用Runge-Kutta方法对运动方程求取数值解,通过周期分岔图及轴心轨迹图研究其非线性特征;

    In theory , the numerical solution of motion equations is obtained by using Runge-Kutta method and the nonlinear characteristics are studied through bifurcation and contrail charts .

  4. 带时间窗的车辆路径问题及其扩展问题已被证明是NP-Hard问题,因此通常采用启发式算法求取满意解。

    The vehicle routing problem with time window and its extended problems have been proved to be NP-Hard , and heuristic methods are usually used to gain satisfying solution .

  5. 选取待配准的2幅三维图像若干阶投影矩差的平方和为目标函数,采用Powell方法求取最优解,得到配准结果。

    A least square objective function was used to measure the difference of projection moments between the test and reference images , and the Powell method was applied to solve the optimization problem .

  6. 多约束条件的有时间窗装卸货问题(PDPTW),由于它具有非确定型的多项式算法(NP)特性,求取精确解很难。

    It is very difficult to get the precise result of complex pickup and delivery problem with time window problem for the property of hard NP in the logistics management .

  7. 利用TF-1型弧焊机器人的结构特点,运用一种新的求取逆解的方法,得出了该机器人运动学正、逆解析解。

    By using the structural characteristics and a new inverse algorithm , the kinematical normal and inverse analytic solutions are calculated .

  8. 本文的模糊耦合同步方法通过LMI方法可以迅速求取可行解,同步条件更加清晰明确、约束条件少,并可以方便地得到不同衰减率α下全局渐近稳定的充分条件。

    The feasible solution of the fuzzy coupled synchronization proposed in this paper can be quickly resolved by LMI method with clearer synchronization conditions and fewer constraint conditions . The sufficient conditions of global asymptotic stability with alterable decay rate α could also be obtained conveniently .

  9. 由于利用Coates图分析线性电路求取数值解和符号解时其实用性取决于产生有向图的1-因子和1-因子连接。

    One can get the digital solutions and the symbolic solutions of linear circuits in the same time by using coates graph . However , the practicability of the method depends on the effeciency of generation of 1-factors and 1-factorial connections .

  10. 为方便计算,将求取最优解的线性规划问题转化为一个关于有界变量的BVLP(有界变量线性规划)问题。

    The linear programming problem for optimal solution can also be converted to a BVLP ( bounded variables linear programming ) problem for the simplicity of computation .

  11. 还论证了取行波解和作泰勒展开的合理性。

    The rationality of the travelling wave solution and the expansion by Taylor 's series has been confirmed .

  12. 该算法是把一种浮点数编码遗传算法和约束变尺度法相结合提高求取全局解的速度和概率。

    In the algorithm , a constrained variable metric method is set in a real-code genetic algorithm to improve the genetic algorithm 's global convergence speed and global convergence probability .

  13. 为了解决大规模组合优化问题,人们一直在探索不同的搜索策略,希望能够提高搜索效率,但是求取最优解十分困难,实际应用中常常以近似解代替最优解。

    People are exploring different searching strategy with high efficiency to tackle COP with large scale . But it is difficult to get the optimal solution of COP and its approximation is adopted widely in practice instead of the optimal solution .

  14. 针对Dias模型参数的求取及反演解的不确定性评价,提出了一种模拟退火阻尼最小二乘联合反演方法。

    Based on the extraction of parameters for Dias model and the uncertain evaluation of inversed solution , one kind of simulated minimum anneal damping quadratic involution inversion method has been established .

  15. 阐述了愚能儿同交通监管取调控体解的实现和实行请供。

    To illustrate the implementation and its prerequisites of traffic information system .

  16. 利用光滑子的性质及逼近解的估计,通过取极限得到解的局部存在性。

    Then , based on the local existence of the classical solution , we discuss the blow-up criterion .

  17. 讨论二阶线性微分方程解的零点分布情况,首先给出了方程存在不取零值的解的条件;

    In this paper , we investigate the distribution of zeros of solutions of second order differential equation .

  18. 本文提出了在一类典型函数输入激励下,线性定常系统的快速仿真算法以及一种求取系统解析解的算法。

    In this paper , a rapid simulating method for the linear continuous system inputted with the first class typical function is proposed and discussed .

  19. 火电厂入煤机车动态信做取识别体解非一类基于图像处放和字符识别技巧的愚能化管理体解。

    Dynamic information and automatic recognition system of the loading coal locomotive in fuel electric plant is an intelligent system based on image processing and character recognition .

  20. 愚能儿同交通监管取调控体解以“畅通佛山”为收铺纲的,完好佛山市交通基本信做采集体解,树立交通基本信做数据库;

    The primary goal of ITS is to ensure the " Zero traffic Jam in Foshan " by improving the traffic data gathering system to build a more sophisticated database ;

  21. 所构造的解法是首先建立通用的序批式反应器模型;然后借助仿真工具试差求取次优解。

    The constructed solving process is to establish a general SBR model firstly , then to derive the suboptimum solution by trial and error method with the help of simulation tools .

  22. 利用叠加原理和所得的基本解,并沿椭圆孔和裂纹表面取待定的基本解密度函数,可得一组以基本解密度函数为未知函数的Fredholm积分方程。

    Utilizing the proposed elementary solutions and taking density functions of elementary solutions along elliptical holes and cracks surface as undetermined functions , a group of Fredholm integral equations can be established .

  23. 实验结果证明了求取机械臂逆解方法和目标定位方法的有效性。

    The results have proved the correctness of the methods of inverse kinematics and target location .

  24. 利用连杆参数推导了运动学正解,采用解析法求取了运动学逆解。

    Link parameter is adopted to derive forward kinematics solution , analysis method to derive inverse kinematics solution .

  25. 利用遗传算法的特性,快速、全面地生成初始信息素分布,之后再利用改进蚁群算法的正反馈性、高效性求取问题的最优解。

    The first step , generate the initial pheromone distribution by the characteristics of the use of genetic algorithms , rapid and comprehensive manner , then find the optimal solution to a problem with the positive feedback of ant colony algorithm .

  26. 对某些采用椭球方法无法求取控制量的解的初始点,在改进算法中,采用了椭球与多面体任意交点求解的算法,代替了椭球方法中用椭球交集求解算法计算控制量。

    Computing any point of intersection of the polytope and the ellipsoid is used in the improved algorithm , instead of that of the intersection of two ellipsoids in ellipsoidal techniques , for calculating the solutions of some initial points where ellipsoidal techniques cannot ensure the existence of the solutions .

  27. 网络爬虫自网络上出无续爬取网页,剖析网页外包括的链交并且入入链交爬取相联解闭解网页,爬取到的网页保留反在本地机器外;

    Crawl on the page all the time from the internet , analyze the links included in the page and crawl into the links to get the pages downloaded in the local machine ;