
  • 网络orientation polarization;Orientational Polarization;displacement polarization
  1. 结果表明,Cole-Cole拟合较为准确的反映了介电谱的变化趋势,同时也证明将多重介电极化等效为取向极化有一定的合理性。

    It was indicated Cole-Cole equation can accurately exhibit the fluctuation of complex dielectric spectra . Meanwhile , it was also reasonable to replace multi-polarization with orientation polarization in microwave range .

  2. 分析表明:在木材的四种极化现象中偶极子取向极化的热效应是介质损耗的主要方面。

    The result shows that the heat effect of dipole orientation polarization is the principal aspect of the medium loss in the four kinds of polarization phenomena of timbers .

  3. 在微波场的作用下,水分子将发生取向极化,其转动频率恰在微波频率范围内,因此,原来较大的水分集团变小,甚至产生单个的水分子。

    Because its turn frequency is in the range of microwave frequency , larger molecule group is diminished , and even single molecule is produced .

  4. 这时偶极子的取向是极化带电的主要贡献者。

    The orientational polarization of dipole is major contributions in the polarization charging .

  5. 我国现正处于从传统社会转向现代社会的社会转型时期,呈现出利益主体多元化、利益取向多极化、利益矛盾尖锐化、利益差别显性化等特点。

    China is now in the transformation period that is from traditional society to modern society , showing many characteristics , for example , diversification of interests , the interests of the orientation of multi-polarization , difference of interest dominance , sharp conflicts of interest and so on .

  6. 在此优化条件下制备的BIT薄膜为a轴择优取向,剩余极化值达到7μC/cm2。

    On this condition , polycrystalline thin films preferred a-axis orientation and Pr was 7 μ C / cm2 , which is the highest Pr in the series BIT films of all .

  7. 研究了极化聚合物薄膜波导的退极化过程,提出了表征极化聚合物薄膜取向有序度和极化寿命的集成光学方法。

    The process of poling decay with time for poled polymer film waveguides was studied , and an integrated optical method to characterize the order parameter and the poled lifetime of the film waveguides was presented in this paper .