
  • 网络Water intake rights;water-drawing right;Ius aquae ducendae
  1. 流域内区域间取水权初始分配模型初探

    Inter-regional distribution model of original water right in a river basin

  2. 得出建立混合经济形式下的黄河取水权分配体制的结论。

    The conclusion is establishing new system integrating two economy systems .

  3. 提出了河流取水权区域间初始分配的指导思想和基本原则;

    The direction idea and basic principle are brought forward .

  4. 河流水权和黄河取水权市场研究

    Study on River Water Rights and Yellow River Water Market

  5. 建立了基于取水权市场的黄河水价体系。

    New Yellow River water price system is established .

  6. 内陆干旱区河流取水权初始分配研究

    A Study on Initial Allocation of Continental River Water-taking Right in Arid Area

  7. 基于满意度决策理论的玛纳斯河取水权分配研究

    Study on water rights allocation in Manas River based on satisfactory decision-making theory

  8. 我国现行的水权制度主要包括水资源所有权和取水权制度。

    In China , the current systems of water right include the system of ownership of water resources and water in-taking .

  9. 本文通过对玛纳斯河水资源配置体制发展的演绎分析,最后得出建立混合形式下的玛纳斯河取水权分配体制的结论。

    At last , this article reach a conclusion that the mixed-economy system must be established in the Manas river valley .

  10. 以此为契机,我国未来水权制度的发展应明晰水权,并允许除取水权以外的其他水权依法转让。

    In the future development of the water rights , water rights except water abstraction rights should be permitted to transfer legally .

  11. 研究了河流取水权的初始分配,尤其是在区域间的初始分配问题。首先研究了取水权分配中的公平与效率观;

    A Study on the Non-gratuitous First Distributing of the Discharge Right Equity and efficiency view in water resources distribution is discussed .

  12. 本文首次就河流水权体系和黄河取水权市场进行了系统、深入地研究。

    The thesis makes a systematic and detailed study on river water rights system and Yellow River water market for the first time .

  13. 在此基础上对采用双方叫价拍卖方式的水权交易进行分析,得出了取水权与消费水权各自的交易发生条件与交易价格。

    On this basis , the procedure of water right deal based on bilateral auction is analyzed . The condition of deal occurrence and bargain price for water right and water assumption right are obtained accordingly .

  14. 2007年3月颁布实施的《物权法》将取水权界定为水资源用益物权,能够由民事主体依法享有。

    The implementation of Real Right Law of the People s Republic of China in March , 2007 takes the water rights to the use right of water , so water right is authorized to civil subject .

  15. 虽然我国目前还没有对水权进行界定,也没有关于水权交易的相关法律规定,但是《物权法》对取水权的规定为我国水权交易制度的建立提供了契机。

    Although Chinese law system has not define water right clearly , no regulations about water right trading yet . But the regulation of taking water right in Real Right Law provides an opportunity for water right trading system .

  16. 水权配置应在实现可持续发展和效率与公平的价值基础上,根据一定依据确定水权配置顺序,通过计划和市场两种配置手段,以水资源使用权和取水权两种权利形式实现配置。

    Allocation of water right can be realized based on sustainable development , efficiency and justice by the two means of plan and market through the two forms of the right to use water resources and the water-intaking right after determining a sequence of allocation according to some criteria .