
  • 网络The Coen Brothers;Coen;Joel Coen;Coen Brother
  1. 布里吉斯的事业也因此得到提升,后来主演了科恩兄弟(CoenBrothers)的杰作《大地惊雷》(TrueGrit)。

    Mr. Bridges also saw a career lift : He went on to make the Coen Brothers " smash " True Grit . "

  2. 第三部分重点分析了科恩兄弟电影的手法与策略。

    The third part of the Coen Brothers ' films tenchnique and strategies .

  3. 我们刚刚与科恩兄弟公司达成了一笔大交易。

    We 've just signed a very lucrative deal with Cohen Bros.

  4. 这是科恩兄弟有史以来最大进账。

    It was the biggest payday the Coens ever had .

  5. 那部科恩兄弟拍的,有着所有棒极了的美国乡村民谣音乐的电影叫啥?

    What was the wonderful movie that had the Coen Brothers and all that great American folk music in it ?

  6. 影片的编剧、导演、兼制片人科恩兄弟获得三项提名。

    The film 's writers / directors / producers , Joel and Ethan Coen , accounted for three of those nominations .

  7. 科恩兄弟是通过利用传统的外衣进行自己的创新,由此呈现出科恩式的电影风格特征。

    Coen Brothers is conducted through the use of their traditional cloak of innovation , thus showing the movie features Coens ' style .

  8. 在电影《血迷宫》中,科恩兄弟从一开始就设下层层圈套,让观众不断颠覆对剧中人物的看法。

    From the start the Coen brothers have been clever mischief-makers , repeatedly pulling the rug from under their characters and the audience alike .

  9. 那些痴迷科恩兄弟的人们也许只会对张艺谋肆意的改编原作而感到不悦。

    Coen Brothers fans , who are usually not Mo fans , probably hated how Mo simply massacred the original script and messed up the adaptation .

  10. 加上现在的评审团团长斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格,这四位评委都曾是奥斯卡奖项得主。他们将对19部提名电影投票,其中包括罗曼·波兰斯基,科恩兄弟和史蒂文·索德伯格的作品,并决定最终金棕榈奖的得主。

    Steven Spielberg , who is jury president , will make this an Oscar-winning quartet . They will all vote on the 19 nominated films , which include works by Roman Polanski , the Coen Brothers and Steven Soderbergh , to decide the winner of the coveted Palme d'Or .

  11. 在这里,电影能够呼吸并走向繁盛:即便是以科恩(Coen)兄弟的《阅后即焚》(BurnAfterReading)这样的闹喜剧作开幕影片。

    Films are allowed to breathe and blossom here : even a slapstick-comedy opener such as the Coens'Burn After Reading .

  12. 这部间谍喜剧的导演科恩(Coen)兄弟身着正式黑礼服,不打领带以显得更有艺术味道,在红地毯上摆着姿势。

    The Coen brothers , who directed the spy comedy , posed on the red carpet in formal black attire sans ties for a more artsy look .

  13. 乔尔.科恩说,他们兄弟二人还年纪轻轻的时候就开始在明尼苏达拍电影。

    Joel Coen said the brothers have made films since they were youngsters in Minnesota .

  14. 1981年大石油商M.戴维斯买下了这家公司。哥伦比亚影业公司(ColumbiaPicturesCorp.)1920年,原来在环球影片公司工作的H.科恩、J.科恩两兄弟和J.布兰特在好莱坞成立了一家摄制喜剧短片的小公司,名叫CBC电影销售公司。

    Metro Picture Corporation ( formed in 1915 ) , Goldwyn Picture Corporation ( 1917 ) , and Louis B. Mayer Pictures ( 1918 ) , under the control of movie theater magnate Marcus Loew .

  15. 乔尔.科恩和伊桑.科恩兄弟创作的《冰血暴》曾经获得1996年奥斯卡最佳原创剧本奖。

    The pair previously won the original screenplay Oscar for their 1996 film Fargo .

  16. 在星期天举行的今年奥斯卡颁奖典礼上,导演乔尔.科恩和伊桑.科恩兄弟成为大赢家。

    Filmmakers Joel and Ethan Coen were big winners at this year 's Academy Awards ceremony Sunday .

  17. 《老无所依》的导演乔尔.科恩和伊桑.科恩兄弟荣获最佳导演奖,并获得最佳改编剧本奖。这部影片根据科马克.麦卡锡的小说改编。

    Brothers Ethan and Joel Coen shared the honor of best director for the film , and earned Oscars for its screenplay , which was adapted from a novel by Cormac McCarthy .