
  • 网络Kurt;John Kotter;kente;John P. Kotter
  1. SPD领导科特贝克甚至说要设计他们自己的减税方案。

    The SPD chief , Kurt Beck , even says his party will cook up cuts of its own .

  2. 今年8月,美国东亚和太平洋事务助理国务卿科特坎贝尔(kurtcampbell)更清楚的阐述了这一主张。

    Kurt Campbell , US Assistant Secretary for East Asia and the Pacific , put the proposition more explicitly in August .

  3. 她经常去利特尔科特参加聚会和舞会。

    She often went to parties and dances at Littlecote

  4. 在监狱服刑11年后,科特被DNA证据证实清白,无罪释放。

    After 11 years behind bars , Cotton was later exonerated by DNA evidence .

  5. 同心环隙有压科特(Couette)流总论

    On Couette Flow in a Concentric Circular Clearance With Pressure Gradient

  6. 纽约市蜂农协会(NewYorkCityBeekeepers)联合创始人安德鲁•科特数年前向笔者表示:“探究蜂群崩溃错乱症的原因就如同试图探究贫困的根源一样困难。”

    As Andrew cot é , co-founder of New York City beekeepers , told me years ago , " asking to explain what causes CCD is like asking what causes poverty . "

  7. 环形槽道科特(Couette)紊流的壁面阻力比方程与科特数

    The Parallel Couette Turbulent Flow in an Annular Channel & Wall-Surface Shear Stresses and Couette Number

  8. 斯蒂芬•科特金(StephenKotkin)这部规模宏大的传记《斯大林》(Stalin)可以作为埃米斯观点的最佳佐证。

    Stephen Kotkin 's monumental biography of Stalin could be presented as Exhibit A for the Amis thesis .

  9. 可以说,科特金对斯大林的了解不输给任何历史学家:他已经写过一本探究斯大林主义来龙去脉的重要著作,并且多年来一直在普林斯顿大学(PrincetonUniversity)教授俄罗斯历史。

    Arguably , Kotkin knows as much about Stalin as any historian : he has already written an important work on Stalinism viewed from the ground up and has taught Russian history at Princeton University for many years .

  10. 帕托维兄弟推出的视频由莱斯利?奇尔科特导演,奇尔科特也是《等待超人》(WaitingforSuperman)和《难以忽视的真相》(AnInconvenientTruth)两部电影的制片人。在微软公司的赞助下,这段视频将在学校和电影院播放。

    Their new video -- directed by Lesley Chilcott , a producer of Waiting for Superman and An Inconvenient Truth -- will be shown in schools and in movie theaters , thanks to Microsoft 's sponsorship .

  11. 对于一个美国东亚事务助理国务卿科特坎贝尔(kurtcampbell)称之为“黑箱”的国家来说,回答上述问题并不容易。

    This is not easy to answer of a country that Kurt Campbell , US Assistant Secretary of state for East Asian affairs , has called a " black box " .

  12. 在这里,我要传唤西里尔诺思科特帕金森(CyrilNorthcoteParkinson)作证,他在1955年提出了一项简单而无可争议的观察结果:工作的扩张填满了所有可用于工作的时间。

    Here , I summon as witness Cyril Northcote Parkinson , who in 1955 made the simple , irrefutable observation that work expands to fill the time available .

  13. 美国负责东亚和太平洋事务的助理国务卿科特坎贝尔(kurtcampbell)上周六在首尔说,包括韩国在内的上述5国将考虑提出一项“全面的方案”,以吸引朝鲜回到谈判桌。

    Kurt Campbell , US Assistant Secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific Affairs , said in Seoul on Saturday the five allies would consider offering a " comprehensive package " to lure North Korea back to talks .

  14. “我们养女孩就是要互相竞争。”音乐录影带把碧昂斯10岁时在电视才艺表演节目《明日之星》(StarSearch)中的片段与如今的碧昂斯的镜头穿插起来,现在的她穿着科特·柯本(KurtCobain)

    The video intersperses an excerpt from 10-year-old Beyonc é 's appearance on the TV talent show " Star Search " with the current-day Beyonc é , clad in Kurt Cobain flannel , executing a spectacular dance routine in a dank basement surrounded by skinheads .

  15. 2010年6月,我们在茅科特(Morcott)的乡村教堂结婚,愉快地成为了当地社区的一分子。

    We married in June 2010 at our village church in Morcott and loved being part of the community there .

  16. 在科特金看来,“残酷无情的阶级斗争组成了列宁思想的核心”。或者就像马克西姆•高尔基(MaximGorky)所写的那样,“他(列宁)的爱,穿透了仇恨的迷雾,望向遥远的未来”。

    In Kotkin 's view , " Pitiless class warfare formed the core of Lenin 's thought . " Or , as Maxim Gorky wrote , " His [ Lenin 's ] love looked far ahead , through the mists of hatred . "

  17. 利平科特出版社(Lippincott)的编辑们对李说,她的书稿读起来像一连串轶事,不像小说,但是鼓励她重写。

    Editors at Lippincott told Lee that her manuscript read like a string of anecdotes , not a novel , but encouraged her to revise .

  18. 圣地亚哥前机场大巴司机科南•科特(ConanCott)自孩子出生起就一直在家照顾他们现如今已经四岁的一对双胞胎。科南的妻子米歇尔•科特(MicheleCott)是美国海军电脑系统和组织方面的专家。

    In San Diego , former airline-shuttle operator Conan Cott , the husband of U.S. Navy computer-systems and organization specialist Michele Cott , has been caring for the couple 's 4-year-old twins since they were born .

  19. 高黎贡山地区拥有丰富的杜鹃花科特有植物种类。

    The Gaoligong Mountains are rich in endemic species of Ericaceae .

  20. 我只要波尔向科特蓝拿走的钱。

    All I want is the money ball stole from cortland .

  21. 约翰o科特,哈佛商学院:8.5万美元

    3 . John Kotter , Harvard Business School : $ 85,000

  22. 具有零切应力平面的平面科特流实验研究

    An Experiment Report of Plane Couette Flow with Zero Shear-Stress Plane

  23. 科特在短短的一个上午改变了他对美国人的看法。

    Kurt revised his ideas of Americans in one short morning .

  24. 肯尼科特慢慢地开始懂得,她是有意要回避他。

    Kennicott slowly understood that she meant to keep up her seclusion .

  25. 华尔科特小姐有时侯写信给我。

    Form time to time miss Walcott wrote to me .

  26. 产于从科特角到南美洲的松鲷。

    Tripletail found from Cape Cod to northern South America .

  27. 科特身上的哪一部分是你愿意相信的?

    What part of Kurt do you want to believe ?

  28. 下进风袋式除尘器气流分布特性的数值模拟科特雷耳静电除尘器

    Numerical simulation of gas-flow distribution characteristics in under inlet bag-type dust collector

  29. 1994年,摇滚音乐家科特·柯本的尸体在其华盛顿的家中被发现。

    1994-Body of Kurt Cobain discovered in his Washington home .

  30. 科特金的判断中绝少模棱两可的成分。

    There is little equivocation in Mr. Kotkin 's judgments .