
  • 网络Temple Of the Tooth;Dalada Maligawa;SRI DALADA MALIGAWA;Temple of Tooth Relic;Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic
  1. 其一是著名的佛牙寺,就坐落在市中心。

    The first is the famed Buddhist sacred Temple of the Tooth , in the very center of town .

  2. 大致上,它要走完整个路程,回到作为起点的佛牙寺。

    Basically it lasts until it 's gone full circle and has been returned back to the temple where it started .

  3. 如果您要去斯里兰卡旅游,记得一定要去康提市,在那里您会看到展出在佛牙寺的圣人释迦牟尼的左犬牙。

    If you ever visit Sri Lanka be sure to drop by the city of Kandy , where you 'll find the sage 's left canine on display in the Temple of the Tooth .

  4. 您的下一次旅游可以驻足在新加坡的佛牙寺和博物馆,在那里您可以欣赏另一位伟大哲人的珍珠般的白牙,它被展出在祈祷室里,纹以雕龙。

    On your next trip you can stop by the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Museum in Singapore , where you can admire another one of the philosopher 's pearly whites surrounded by prayer rooms and ornate dragons .

  5. 为了让所有人都能看到佛牙,装有佛牙的匣子由佛牙寺的最后一头大象驮着,走遍整个城市。

    The casket is carried on the very last elephant of the Dalada Temple . It 's paraded around for the entire city to see .