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zhǐ qù
  • purport;objective
旨趣 [zhǐ qù]
  • [purport;objective] 要旨;大意。亦作指趣,趣同趋。旧指写书的目的与大意

  • 谨条序前章,畅其旨趣。--《后汉书.郎顗传》

  • 览其旨趣。--嵇康《琴赋》

旨趣[zhǐ qù]
  1. 山谷论艺的脱俗旨趣

    The " Refined " Purport of Shan Gu 's Views on Art

  2. 葛兰西的文化领导权蕴涵着从霸权到合法化的理论旨趣。

    The culture hegemony theory embodies the purport from hegemony to legalization .

  3. 旨趣相同。

    Essential thoughts are alike .

  4. 以人为本:自觉符号设计的当代理论旨趣

    Being Human-oriented : the Contemporary Theoretical Connotation of Self-conscious Symbol Design

  5. 追寻主体性&哲学教学的根本旨趣

    Seeking the Main Body Character & the principal goal in philosophy teaching

  6. 现代神话解释的文化诗学旨趣

    Modern Interpretations of Myth and Their Aim of Cultural Poetics

  7. 庄子的天论及其审美旨趣

    ZHUANG Zhou 's Theory About Nature and Its Aesthetic Purport

  8. 论冯友兰新理学的精神旨趣

    On the spiritual purport of FENG You-lan 's New Idealism

  9. 德育的激励旨趣及其合理性

    The Incentive Purport of Moral Education And It 's Rationality

  10. 以高深学问的增值为旨趣的知识本位是制度变革中的深层次文化动因;

    Knowledge - centered values is the depth cultural motivity ;

  11. 浅谈学习型医院的创建与评价湘学的学术旨趣及近代转型

    The Academic Purport and Modern Transformation of Xiang Learning

  12. 试论法律论证的源流与旨趣

    A Tentative Study on the Source , Evolution and Purport of Legal Demonstration

  13. 历史的道德旨趣&康德关于历史符号的理论

    A Study of Kant 's Theory on Historical Signs

  14. 环境伦理学:深层生态学思想及理论旨趣

    Environmental ethics : ideas and theories of deep ecology

  15. 意境:叙事性文学的最高旨趣

    Artistic Conception : the Supreme Purport of Narrative Literature

  16. 人的生存旨趣与环境正义的理性解读

    Reasonable Annotation of Human Interest in Existence and Environment

  17. 作者认为哲学逻辑是具有哲学旨趣或涉及哲学事业的非经典逻辑。

    We believe it 's a non-classical logic with philosophical purport or cause .

  18. 大学应当提供什么样的人文教育&从《大学人文读本》之旨趣谈起

    What Kind of Humanist Education Should a University Provide

  19. 禅宗棒喝及其教育旨趣

    Buddhist Bang and Bawl and Its Educational Purport

  20. 马克思本体观的理论旨趣及其变革实质

    The Purport and Essence of Marx 's Ontology

  21. 简评自然化认识论的替代命题的理论旨趣与存在的问题

    Review to the Theoretical Interest and Problems in the Replacement Thesis of Naturalized Epistemology

  22. 孟德斯鸠政治学说的生态政治旨趣

    On the Purport of Montesquieu 's Eco-Politics Doctrine

  23. 中西政治旨趣迥异的人性论基础

    The Human Nature Theory Basis of Different Political Purport in China and Western Countries

  24. 康德哲学的人学旨趣

    The Anthropological Purport of Kant 's Philosophy

  25. 墨家科技思想表现为道技统一的科学技术观,其科技旨趣并不仅仅在发展纯粹的理论,其学说的出发点和落脚点都在为天下兴利除害。

    Mohist thought in science and technology manifested science and technology unified principle and technology .

  26. 在行动研究中达成对话&教育行动研究旨趣探究

    Dialogue in " Action Research ": An Inquiry into the Purport of Educational Action Research

  27. 科学的教育发展的战略旨趣:全面提高国民素质

    The Scientific Education Developmental Strategy is for the Purpose to Improve the National Quality over all

  28. 结语主要梳理了全文的基本旨趣和核心理路。

    The Epilogue mostly cleans up the main purport of study and the consecution of thinking .

  29. 第二部分:文献回顾,分析十篇检讨台湾都市计画法的文献,并指出本文旨趣。

    Part two : artical review : includes ten articals review and the problematic of thisthesis .

  30. 文学传统的表层是文学旨趣,但其深层是政治意识。

    The surface of literary tradition is literary purport , but its bottom is political consciousness .