
  1. 艾萨克森说,他很高兴看到更多的传记和电影问世,比如关于乔布斯的纪录片最近在西南偏南电影节(Southwest)上首映,还有由迈克尔·法斯本德(MichaelFassbender)饰演乔布斯的传记电影。这些有利于观众理解乔布斯。

    Mr. Isaacson said he was pleased to see more biographies and movies - a documentary on Mr. Jobs recently debuted at the South by Southwest festival , and a biopic featuring the actor Michael Fassbender as Mr. Jobs was also in the works - that would help the public 's understanding of Apple 's former leader .

  2. 西南偏南电影节太赞了,这个地方虽然有点儿阴冷,但并不吓人。

    South by Southwest is so cool , because its actually so chill and not intimidating .

  3. 她正好在崩世光景演出之前离开了,而当她和公制乐队一同出现在台上时,我感觉这太有西南偏南电影节的范儿了!

    She left right before Broken Social Scene played , and they brought out the chick from Metric and oh my God it felt very South by Southwest-y.

  4. 《圣·弗朗西斯》在去年的西南偏南电影节上获得了观众选择奖,影评网RogerEbert的布莱恩·塔勒锐可写道:“这部电影猝不及防地征服了我,结局以一种出乎意料的方式深深触动了我的情感”。

    Saint Frances was the audience-award winner at last year 's SXSW festival , where Brian Tallerico at RogerEbert wrote that " the movie really snuck up on me and walloped me emotionally in the final scenes in ways I wasn 't expecting . "