
  • 网络Deflection of angle of mouth;distortion of commissure;deviated mouth;drooping of the angle of the mouth
  1. 结果首发症状多以头痛、呕吐为主,亦可有视觉障碍、复视、眼睑闭合无力、口角歪斜以及发作性上背部疼痛,可伴脑神经和脊神经损害及脑膜刺激征;

    Results Most of the onset symptoms of these meningeal carcinomatosis were headache , vomiting also including visual disturbances , diplopia , weakness in closing eyelids , deviation of mouth angle and paroxysmal upper back pain ;

  2. 患者无论是采用单一手术或辅以放、化疗均未出现颌面部皮肤的坏死或口角歪斜等并发症,但有术后短期的下唇麻木。

    All patients who maybe only received operation or received chemotherapy or radiotherapy post-operation did not suffer from any complications such as necrosis or the askew of mouth and so on , except the short-term removing of lower lip after operation .

  3. 难治性而瘫就是指而瘫患者经过一段时间的治疗后,仍留下了如眼睑下垂、面肌痉挛、口角歪斜等后遗症,亦称之为顽固性面瘫、重症面瘫。

    Means of refractory facial paralysis after a period of time after treatment in patients with facial paralysis , still left eyelid ptosis , facial muscle spasms , numbness of sequelae such as skew , also called refractory facial paralysis , severe paralysis .