
suō xiāng
  • shuttle box
梭箱[suō xiāng]
  1. 为了顺利完成织制,关键的任务就是引纬,因此在研究重型宽幅织机的过程中,一个重要的任务即是对引纬机构与梭箱的研究。

    In order to finish the weaving successfully , wefting is the key , so during the course of researching the heavy wide loom , an important task is to study the wefting mechanism and the shuttle box .

  2. 如果在织机的一侧有一个梭箱(例如4×1),任何颜色的纬纱的连续引纬数必须为偶数。

    If one shuttle box is used on one side of the loom ( say 4 ~ 1 ), then the number of picks used from any color has to be an even number .

  3. 4×4多梭箱随机纹链编制CAD

    Random Disposition of Box Chain CAD of 4 × 4 Multi-Shuttle-Box

  4. 目的:探讨幼鼠脑内胆碱能和肾上腺素能递质系统的发育与梭箱回避学习行为(shuttle-boxavoidanceconditioning,SAC)的关系。

    AIM : To study the relationship between the behavior of shuttle-box avoidance conditioning ( SAC ) and the development of cholinergic and adrenergic transmitter systems .

  5. 多梭箱织机梭子分配的研究

    A research on the distribution of shuttles on the box loom

  6. 多梭箱织机梭子配列规律的探讨

    Discussion on Shuttle Distribution Rale of Multi - Shuttle Box Loom

  7. 多梭箱的纹版编排贾卡提花织物的电脑辅助设计

    Scheme of Jacquard Card for Multi-Box Loom Computer Used in Jacquard Fabrics

  8. 多梭箱织机升降杆转动中心位置探讨

    A Discussion about the Rotation Center of Lifter Shaft of Shuttle Box in Multi-shuttle Box Loom

  9. 幼鼠梭箱回避学习行为与脑内相关递质系统发育的关系

    Relationship between the behavior of shuttle-box avoidance conditioning and the development of brain transmitter system in infant rats

  10. 安全气囊专用织机的多臂与多梭箱机构机电一体化改造

    Study on the Reform of the Traditional Dobby and Multi - Shuttle by Mechanotronics Scheme of Jacquard Card for Multi-Box Loom

  11. 结论:幼鼠梭箱回避学习行为与脑内不同递质系统的发育有密切关系。

    CONCLUSION : The behavior of SAC in the infant rats is correlated with the development of different transmitter systems in the brain .

  12. 叙述了在研制汽车用安全气象的项目时,对传统织布机的多臂和多梭箱机构的机电一体化改造。

    The reform of the traditional dobby and multi - shuttle mechanism in developing air - bag by means of mechanotronics is introduced .

  13. 在任何情况下,使用的最大梭子或纬色的数目,应该是梭箱总数减一。

    The maximum number of colors or shuttles that may be used in any case is one less than the number of shuttle boxes .

  14. 如果需要一种以上颜色的纬纱,必须使用多个梭子和多个梭箱。

    If more than one color is needed in the filling , then a number of shuttles and shuttle boxes will have to be used .

  15. 梭箱机构可将梭箱上下移动,将需要的梭子移动到投梭位置。

    To move the shuttle box up and down in order to bring the right shuttle to the picking level , a box motion is used .

  16. 并按照设计的组织结构和织造参数在带有自行研制的多梭箱机构的连续性刚性剑杆小样织机上进行了上机试织。

    And in accordance with the devised structure and weaving parameters , weave the samples on the continuity rigid rapier loom , which has a self-developed multi-shuttle box .

  17. 针对木梭密度尺寸要求比较严格的市场需求,对热压木梭坯压力箱进行了改进。

    The improved design of the pressure tank of hot pressing wood shuttle block has been conducted to meet the strict market demand for high density of wood shuttle .