
  • 网络social news
  1. 她们以自己独特的角度诠释社会百态、人情冷暖,形成了许多独具魅力的风格,并受到各界的关注。

    They present the interpretation of social phenomena , human well-being with their own unique point of view , form a number of charming styles , and get extensive attentions .

  2. 它包括公众拍摄的突发事件、奇闻轶事、社会百态,流行现象、甚至是家长里短、好人好事、打架斗殴等。

    The citizen video news includes emergencies , anecdotes , different social businesses , popular phenomena , and it even includes small household affairs , good people and good deeds and fights .

  3. 戏剧不仅具有丰富的内涵而且能综合运用表演、美术、文学、音乐等多种艺术手段来塑造具有不同特征的人物形象,反映社会生活百态。

    Drama shapes characters and reflects social and cultural life through a variety of measures such as literary , performance , art , music and so on .

  4. 通过助者的变化,《哈利·波特》系列从一部老套的英雄历险故事转变为折射现代社会人生百态的万花筒。

    Through the variation of helpers , Harry Potter series change from an old-fashioned hero adventures into a kaleidoscope reflecting the modern society and vicissitudes of life .

  5. 戴翔借用了《清明上河图》的视觉及概念框架——当然还有名字——创作了记录中国社会市井百态的精美拼图。

    Mr. Dai borrows the visual and conceptual framework of that painting - not to mention its title - to produce a patchwork of meticulous vignettes of everyday Chinese society .

  6. 当今社会的芸芸百态,从人性角度都可以在三国历史、《三国演义》中找到影子,从正反两个方面印证。

    Among the attitudes of contemporary society , from the human point of view can be history in the three countries , " Three Kingdoms " to find the shadow , from the confirmed positive and negative aspects .

  7. 通过对陶陶居的研究,了解到广州社会的历史百态,为岭南的商业文化,尤其是其中的餐饮业文化提供史料和借鉴,这就是研究陶陶居的出发点和归属点。

    Through the " Tao Taoju " study , about the history of Guangzhou Academy of social phenomena , to Lingnan commercial culture , especially catering culture of historical materials and references , this is the study of " Tao Taoju " the starting point and the point of belonging .

  8. 通常,这些作品的灵感来自于人们的日常生活及各种社会关系,叙述人们在社会中的百态。

    Most often , the images are inspired by everyday life and the relations among people as social characters .