
  • 网络Hamite;Hamites
  1. 寻得肥美的草场地,又宽阔又平静。从前住那里的是含族的人。

    And they found fat pasture and good , and the land was wide , and quiet , and peaceable ; for they of Ham had dwelt there of old .

  2. 超临界水氧化含芳香族有机物废水的研究

    Study on supercritical water oxidation of aromatic organic wastes in water

  3. 含芳香族硝基化合物废水处理技术的现状及发展前景

    Status Quo and Development Prospects of Treatment Processes for Wastewater Containing Aromatic Nitro-group Compounds

  4. 含铂族金属铜镍硫化矿加压湿法冶金的应用及研究进展

    Application and Progress of Pressure Hydrometallurgy of Cu-Ni Sulfide Ores Containing Platinum Group Metals

  5. 含氧族元素过渡链的邻苯二甲腈衍生物的性能

    Property of Phthalonitrile Derivatives Containing Bonds of Chalcogens

  6. 分别介绍了加压氰化法处理难浸金矿、失效汽车催化剂、含铂族金属矿物等方面的研究工作及其最新进展。

    The researches and newest progressing in pressure cyanidation method for treating the refractory gold ores , spent auto-catalysts and platinum-group metals ores were reviewed in present paper .

  7. 本文以加压湿法冶金处理含铂族铜镍硫化矿过程中铂族金属的行为为主线,介绍了该领域的最新研究进展。

    In this paper , based on leaching process behaviors of platinum-group metals ( PGMs ) the lately progress in pressure hydrometallurgy of Cu-Ni sulfide ores containing PGMs was presented .

  8. 超临界水氧化法处理含芳香族有机废水,随反应温度和压力的升高及停留时间的延长,苯酚去除率提高,在很短的停留时间内,苯酚的去除率可达96%以上。

    In the treatment of wastewater containing aromatic compounds using the supercritical water oxidation method , the removal rate increases with the increase of temperature , pressure , and retention time .

  9. 含芳香族氨基酸的二肽抑制剂中的肽键的氨基和苯环部分羟基端呈反式构型,它们相隔7个键位。

    The amide of the peptide bond in the Dipeptide inhibitors which included aromatic series amino acid showed trans configuration with the hydroxide of the benzene ring . There were seven bonds between them .

  10. 综述了1998年以来二碘化钐在有机合成中的应用研究,主要涉及羰基化合物、不饱和烃、卤代物、腈及含氧族元素化合物的特殊反应。

    A review of the synthetic transformations promoted by SmI 2 in the last five years is presented , mainly focusing on special reactions of carbonyl compounds , unsaturated hydrocarbons , halohydrocarbons , nitriles and oxychalcogenides .

  11. 其所含的B族维生素、维生素C等,能够维持人体正常的代谢,是生命和健康所必需的。

    It contains vitamin B and vitamin C , can maintain normal metabolism , it is necessary to life and health .

  12. 四联抗结核固定剂量复合剂临床治疗效果分析四(二乙胺基)溴化鏻(TPB)是制备含氟芳香族化合物的一种新型相转移催化剂。

    A Study of Fixed-dose Combinations in Treating Tuberculosis Patients Tetrakis ( diethylamino ) phosphonium bromide ( TPB ) was a novel phase transfer catalyst used to prepare fluorinated aromatic compounds .

  13. 卤交换法(Halex反应)采用了廉价的卤代芳烃为原料,目前已作为合成含氟芳香族化合物的主要途径。

    Halogen exchange reaction use low-cost halogenated aromatic compounds as materials and it has been the mostly way to synthesize fluoro - aromatic compound .

  14. 对我国含氟芳香族化合物应用领域及潜在市场的分析

    Analysis on application field and potential market of fluoro-aromatic compounds of China

  15. 含氮芳香族导电聚合物的合成研究

    Study on Preparation of a New Aromatic Conducting Polymer with Nitrogen Atom

  16. 含&闪语族的一个主要语系分支。

    A major branch of the Afro-Asiatic language family .

  17. 卤素交换氟化合成含氟芳香族化合物研究进展

    Research progress of synthesis of fluorinated aromatics by halogen-exchange

  18. N-烷基季鏻盐相转移催化剂的合成及催化合成含氟芳香族化合物的研究

    Synthesis of the New Phase-transfer Catalyst-N-alk yl Quaternary Phosphonium Salts and Application in Fluorination of Aromatic Compounds

  19. 分别讨论了它们催化合成苯环上带有-NO2、-CN、-CF3等吸电子基团的含氟芳香族化合物。

    The synthesis of aromatic fluorides with substituted - NO2 , - CN , - CF3 are studied respectively .

  20. 中文摘要本篇论文研究内容主要探讨含异喹啉族配位基的有机铱、锇属错合物之光物性质。

    The purpose of this study is to discuss the photophysical properties of Iridium and Osmium complexes containing isoquinoline family ligands .

  21. 向立法会食物安全及环境?生事务委员会汇报有关烧烤肉类含多环芳香族碳氢化合物的研究结果。

    The study on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in barbecued meat is reported to the LegCo Panel on food safety and environmental hygiene .

  22. 辽宁省阜新市是含氟芳香族化合物的重要生产基地,工厂排放的废水中含有f-,会对阜新市的细河水造成污染,给居民带来危害。

    Fuxin is a productive base of fluoride aromatic compound , the fluoride waste water from the factory concludes fluoride , Xihe water of Fuxin is polluted by this , and this is harmful to the residents of fuxin .

  23. 介绍了合成含氟芳香族化合物常用的氟取代反应、重氮化反应、卤交换反应,认为卤素交换尤其是脱硝氟代是选择性合成含氟芳香族化合物的有效途径。

    The common methods used for synthesizing fluorinated aromatic compounds , including direct fluorination and diazotisation as well as halogen exchange reactions were briefly introduced . Among them halogen exchange , especially the fluorination was considered to be the effective path for the synthesis of selectively fluorinated aromatic compounds .

  24. 利用一致结构的单子给出了Cauchy网及含小集集族的非标准特征。

    The nonstandard characteristic of Cauchy net and the family of sets including small sets are presented by the monad of the uniform structure .

  25. 推测的MvMT氨基酸序列中,半胱氨酸含量高达30.5%,不含组氨酸和芳香族氨基酸,存在无脊椎动物和软体动物MT的保守序列模式。

    The deduced amino acid sequence of MvMT included conserved structural patterns of invertebrate MT and mollusk MT with high cysteine content ( 30.5 % ) and without aromatic and histidine residues .

  26. 碳烧食物所含的多环芳香族碳氢化合物通常相对较高。

    Charcoal-grilled foods contain a comparatively higher level of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons ( PAHs ) .

  27. 含参有理函数族M集的拓扑不变特性

    Investigation on the Fixed Topological Characters of the M Set of the One Parameter Rational Functions

  28. 因为其优异的力学性能和热性能,含杂环的芳香族共聚酰胺纤维广泛应用于军工航空、高性能复合材料等领域。

    With its excellent mechanical and thermal properties , heterocyclic aramid fibers are widely used in military , aviation , high-performance composite materials fields .

  29. 合成一种含哌嗪的芳香族二胺单体,将其用于聚酰亚胺的三元共聚中,并制成改性聚酰亚胺膜。表征此三元共聚产物。

    A kind of new diamine monomer of modified polyimide with piperazine was synthesized , which has been used in the synthesis of modified polyimide by ternary copolymerization .

  30. 含杂环的芳香族共聚酰胺纤维(简称杂环芳纶)是一种高强度、高模量、耐高温以及良好的尺寸稳定性的高性能纤维。

    Heterocyclic aromatic polyamide fiber ( heterocyclic aramid fiber ) is a kind of high performance fiber with high strength , high modulus , high temperature resistant and excellent dimensional stability .