
  • 网络fluoride toothpaste;Fluoridated Toothpaste;dentifrice
  1. 用氟离子选择性电极测定了含氟牙膏中游离氟浓度,探讨了牙膏中总氟量的测定方法,研究了游离氟(F~-)与总氟(F)量的关系。

    The concentration of free F ions in fluoride toothpaste s is determined by means of fluoride selective-electrode . The determination method of total F contents and relationship between free F and total F in fluoride toothpaste are studied .

  2. 含氟牙膏对釉面保护体外研究

    External Study of Fluoride Toothpaste on Protecting the Glaze Surface

  3. 口腔卫生措施:每天刷牙两次的占744%,刷牙时间达到3min以上的仅77%,坚持使用含氟牙膏的166%,使用过牙线的人仅6%;

    74.4 % brush teeth twice per day , only 7.7 % brush teeth over 3 minutes , 16.6 % insist in fluoridated toothpaste , and only 6 % had applied dental floss .

  4. 结论学龄前儿童刷牙时因误咽部分含氟牙膏引起氟化物摄入增加,6岁以下的儿童,要减少含氟牙膏的使用量,每次用量不宜超过豌豆大小(约0.25g)。

    Conclusion Fluoride intake level was influenced by the accidental swallowing of fluoride toothpaste among preschool children . So children under 6 year old should decrease quantity of fluoride toothpaste , no more than a small pea ( about 0.25g ) .

  5. 含氟牙膏对釉面保护作用的体外分析

    Analysis of protection of fluoride-containing toothpaste for the ENAMEL-IN vitro study

  6. 成年人应该使用含氟牙膏来防止蛀牙。

    Adults should always use toothpaste with fluoride to fight tooth decay .

  7. 幼儿使用含氟牙膏发氟和尿氟近期变化的研究

    A Study of Fluoride Level in Hair and Urine of Preschool Children Using Fluoride Toothpaste

  8. 美国儿童牙科学会指出吞食含氟牙膏会导致一些问题。

    The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry notes that swallowing fluoridated toothpaste can cause problems .

  9. 结果:儿童氟斑牙患病率,随着饮水氟含量的增加而升高,含氟牙膏使用组大于不使用组。

    The survey was conducted for using of fluoridated toothpaste or not and the epidemic of dental fluorosis .

  10. 表明使用含氟牙膏可使幼儿氟摄入量增加。

    It suggests that the intake amount of fluoride increased following the use of fluoride toothpastes by young children .

  11. 复合树脂粘接剂基本没有氟离子释放,即使经过含氟牙膏处理后,也没有明显的氟离子再释放现象。

    There was no measurable fluoride release from composite resin , even after it was exposed to fluoride toothpaste .

  12. 第二阶段,用含氟牙膏处理各标本后,再测定其在不同时间氟的释放量。

    In the second period , all of the specimens were brushed with fluoridated toothpaste for 10 minutes after every measurement .

  13. 结果表明,含氟牙膏中总氟量包括结合氟和游离氟两部分,其中只有F~-有防龋作用。

    The results indicate that total F consists of free F and combined F , but only free F has anti-caries effect .

  14. 伯顿·埃德尔斯坦:控制饮食,经常使用含氟牙膏,牙医不间断地悉心监督。

    Burton Edelstein : Control of the diet , the regular use of fluoride toothpaste , good ongoing supervision by a dentist .

  15. 目的比较不同浓度含氟牙膏对正畸牙龋病与脱矿的预防效果。

    Objective To investigate the preventive effectiveness in reducing tooth decay and decalcification of different concentration of fluoride toothpaste for orthodontic patients .

  16. 饮用低氟水的儿童无论是否使用含氟牙膏,其氟斑牙患病率间没有差别。

    The prevalence of dental fluorosis of the children drinking low fluorine water was no difference no matter whether using fluoride dentifrice or not .

  17. 方法采用氟电极法测定180名3~6岁幼儿使用含氟牙膏刷牙时牙膏的误咽量。

    Methods The accidental ingesting of fluoride toothpastes in 180 young children aged 3 ~ 6 years old was assayed with fluoride specific electrode .

  18. 更多提示:选择小头软毛牙刷可用于刷到不易刷到的区域,使用含氟牙膏打圈刷牙。

    More tips : Choose a soft-bristled brush with a small head to get at hard-to-reach spots ; brush in circular motions with fluoride toothpaste .

  19. 结论采用冷酸解离-氟离子电极法测定单氟磷酸钠与钙类摩擦剂配伍的含氟牙膏中的总氟含量,具有准确可靠、简便易行的优点。

    Conclusion The amount of total fluoride in the calcium containing toothpaste can be detected simply and accurately measured by acid diffusion and fluoride selective electrode .

  20. 使用含氟牙膏,刷牙时间>3min,适时进行窝沟封闭是较好的防龋方法。

    The good methods to prevent dental caries were use of fluorine-containing tooth-paste , pit and fissure sealing and at least 3 min of tooth brushing .

  21. 方法采用离子选择性氟电极测定使用不同氟含量含氟牙膏后24小时尿氟排泄量,以使用含氟牙膏前尿氟排泄量作为自身对照。

    Methods Urinary fluoride excretion of 24-hour urinary samples was measured by fluoride ion electrode , serving 24-hour urinary fluoride excretion before using fluoride toothpaste as self-control .

  22. 目的:本研究通过指导接受固定矫治器治疗的患者使用含氟牙膏刷牙,以期找到一种简便有效的方法来预防牙釉质脱矿。

    Objective : To find a simple and effective way to prevent enamel decalcification by guiding patients treated with fixed appliance to brush teeth with fluoride toothpaste .

  23. 结论:改水降氟区儿童使用含氟牙膏增加了儿童的摄氟量,会引起儿童氟斑牙患病率的增加。

    Conclusion : The using of fluoridated toothpaste increased the fluoride intake in the children in defluoridated areas , which caused the increasing of prevalence of dental fluorosis .

  24. 每天用含氟牙膏刷牙两次也是非常重要的,记住要在饭后一个小时后也要这样做,还有,不要忘记了定期去看牙医。

    ' It is also important to brush your teeth twice a day using fluoride toothpaste , waiting an hour to do so after meals , and to visit your dentist regularly . '

  25. 方法:选择16名自愿者,用离子选择性氟电极测定含氟牙膏刷牙后2小时菌斑及唾液中氟离子浓度,并与基线水平相比较。

    Methods : Fluoride Ion Specific Electrode was used to measure the fluoride concentrations in dental plaque and saliva in vitro two hours after 16 volunteers toothbrushing with fluoride toothpaste and compared the difference with baseline .

  26. 目的观察含氟牙膏(1000μg/g)不同使用量对学龄前儿童氟化物摄入量的影响,探索学龄前儿童使用含氟牙膏较为合理、安全的用量。

    Objective This study was to investigate the influence of different quantity of fluoride toothpaste ( 1000 μ g / g ) on the intake level of fluoride among three age groups of preschool children , to explore the rational and security quantity of fluoride toothpaste in preschool children .

  27. 含氟防龋牙膏中有效氟与总氟含量的关系

    The relationship between effective F and total f in fluoride toothpaste for anti-caries

  28. 含氟或无氟牙膏对酸蚀釉质刷牙磨损的实验研究

    In vitro comparisons of the brushing abrasion of eroded enamel using fluoride and non-fluoride toothpaste

  29. 含氟涂膜组和含氟牙膏组新增龋面均的差异无统计学意义。

    There was no significant difference of the dfs reduction between the fluoride vaniish group and fluoride toothpaste group .

  30. 所分析的香烟含氟量((?)含氟牙膏对纯钛表面形态、光泽和色彩的影响

    The effect of fluoride - containing toothpaste on the surface morphologies , color and luster of pure titanium