
  1. 但是徐秀珍抓住每个能与外国游客说话的机会,去说一些她学到的英语。

    But Xu seized every opportunity to talk to foreign tourists and tried to utter out her English .

  2. 不满足于仅仅做一位导游,徐秀珍现在还开了一家受欢迎的餐馆以及一家好名声的旅馆。

    Not content to simply serve as a tour guide , she now owns a popular restaurant and operates a reputable hotel .

  3. 阳朔旅游局局长黄永忠说,徐秀珍的成功鼓励了许多农民也开始追随仿效她。

    Huang Yongzhong , director of Yangshuo 's tourism bureau , said Xu 's success has encouraged many farmers to follow suit .

  4. 徐秀珍住在月亮山脚下,这是阳朔的一个必去的旅游景点。

    Xu lives at the foot of Moon Mountain , a must-see tourist attraction in Yangshuo , where she has guided countless tourists .

  5. 在过去的16年中,徐秀珍自学了11门外语,包括英语,西班牙语,日语和韩语等。

    Over the past 16 years , Xu has taught herself 11 foreign languages , including English , Spanish , Japanese and Korean .

  6. 徐秀珍立刻给他涂了随身携带的风油精,并为他刮痧。

    Xu gave him the immediate rescue by applying the essential balm to the young guy and also offering him the skin scraping therapy .

  7. 徐秀珍说:我的一些同行也想多学一些语言来促进自己的生意,但没有人能赶得上我。

    My peers are trying to pick up new languages to boost their business , but no one can catch up with me , she said .

  8. 徐秀珍住在月亮山脚下,这是阳朔的一个必去的旅游景点。徐秀珍在那儿带过无数游客,亲切的她被游客们称为“月亮妈妈”。

    Xu lives at the foot of Moon Mountain , a must-see tourist attraction in Yangshuo , where she has guided countless tourists . Her sincerity has won her the name " Mama Moon . "

  9. 会说11门外语的68岁的农村导游徐秀珍成为了阳朔镇上的名人。阳朔位于中国南部广西壮族自治区,是背包客们心中的旅游圣地。

    With 11 foreign languages under her belt , 68-year-old villager-turned tour guide Xiu Xiuzhen has become a celebrity in the town of Yangshuo , a backpacker mecca in south China 's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region .

  10. 掌握了11门外语,徐秀珍成了阳朔最繁忙的导游,她的名声也为她每天都招揽了一大批游客,特别是一些对她敬仰已久特地来找她的外国游客。

    With her command of 11 foreign languages , Xu is one of the busiest tour guides in Yangshuo . Her reputation draws a large crowd of tourists every day , especially foreign visitors , who come to meet the multilingual guide out of admiration .