
  • 网络The Beige Book;Fed Beige Book
  1. 美联储最新的“褐皮书”中关于经济情况的报告中指出存在价格和工资的下行压力。

    The Fed 's latest " Beige Book " report on economic conditions suggested downward pressure on prices and wages .

  2. 周三有贸易收支、每周原油库存、月度预算报告及美联储褐皮书。

    On Wednesday we have the trade balance , weekly oil inventories , monthly budget statement and Fed Beige Book due .

  3. 美联储(Fed)周三公布的褐皮书印证了这一点。该报告指出,由于油价迅速下跌,11月初石油和天然气公司在北达科他州的经营活动减少。

    This was confirmed Wednesday when the Fed 's Beige Book noted that oil and gas activity in North Dakota decreased in early November due to the rapid fall in oil prices .

  4. 褐皮书中指出美国经济持续改善得益于制造业的带头增长。

    The report shows modest but widespread economic improvement led by strong manufacturing sector growth .

  5. 今天美联储在备受关注的褐皮书中表示,大部分人对经济持乐观的态度。

    We got mostly optimistic view of the economy from Federal Reserve 's closely watched beige book today .

  6. 褐皮书由12家联邦储备银行分别与本地区企业联系汇编而成。

    The report is compiled from contacts between each of the 12 regional Fed banks and businesses in their districts .

  7. 继最近几周关于就业、零售和产出的经济数据表现稍佳之后,褐皮书进一步显示出令人欣慰的迹象。

    The beige book is a further reassuring sign in the wake of slightly better economic data in recent weeks on jobs , retail sales and production .

  8. 政府关门使我们陷入黑暗,也使许多政府经济数据受到影响,所以这次发布的褐皮书显现出更为重要的意义。

    That shutdown has left us in dark but a lot of other government economic data lately , so this beige book is taking on even more importance .

  9. 美联储发布褐皮书称,房地产业强势复苏,汽车销售量上涨,这是二月末和三月美国经济温和增长的动力。

    The Federal Reserve is out with its Beige book which reviews a stronger housing recovery and gains in auto sale saying they were factors to moderate economic growth in the US in late February and Match .

  10. 美联储每年发布8次报告说明经济状况,他们称之为褐皮书,里面会添加一些故事,而在本次9月至10月初的褐皮书中美联储表示,美国的经济继续以温和步伐扩张。

    Eight times a year , the Fed told us a little stories about the state of the economy , it binds anecdotes into what is called the beige book and for September , earlier October the Fed says the nation 's economy continue to expand at modest , moderate pace .