
jī xiè wěn dìnɡ xìnɡ
  • mechanical stability
  1. 多层纳米TiO2薄膜化学及机械稳定性的研究

    Study on Chemical and Mechanical Stability of Multilayer Nano-TiO_2 Thin Films

  2. 由于V型球阀采用双轴承结构,机械稳定性高,起动扭矩小。

    Type V ball valve uses duplex bearing , so its mechanical stability is very high and the starting torque is small .

  3. 这主要归因于残留奥氏体薄膜良好的机械稳定性和热稳定性及在机械载荷作用下的TRIP效应。

    All this effects are attributed to the mechanical and thermal stability , the excellent strain hardening ability and the TRIP effect of the retained austenite thin film .

  4. 在多孔聚合物基体上制备PANI复合物,能够改善其机械稳定性和加工性能。

    Preparation of PANI composites on porous polymer substrate could improve its mechanical stability and processibility .

  5. 聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF)是一种半结晶型聚合物,具有良好的化学稳定性、耐热性、机械稳定性。

    PVDF , as a kind of crystallographic polymer , has favorable chemical stability , thermostability and mechanical stability .

  6. 通过研究AR的数量、分布及机械稳定性,探讨了低碳复相组织钢的强韧化机理。

    Based on the research in quantity , distribution and stability of A_ ( R ), the mechanism of strengthening and toughening of low-carbon multiphase steel were discussed .

  7. 结果:经ConA处理后的红细胞膜蛋白分子构像趋于收缩,膜切向机械稳定性明显下降。

    Results : The RBC membrane protein conformation was alternated and the RBC membrane mechanical stability declined with the ConA concentration .

  8. 研究了磁电传感器的动态特性补偿方法,开发出具有高机械稳定性和低固有频率的DP传感器,并利用DP传感器对铁路桥梁的自振特性进行了测试。

    This paper presents a compensation method for seismic velocity transducers , and besed on this method develops a DP transducer which has a high mechanical stability and low natural frequency .

  9. 这种分子筛膜在渗透汽化操作中,对水具有极好的分离选择性,同时具有较好的热稳定性、机械稳定性以及化学稳定性,因此合成高性能的NaA型分子筛膜备受关注。

    Zeolite NaA membranes have also excellent well thermal , mechanical and chemical stability . Many papers have been reported on the synthesis of zeolite NaA membranes in the recent years .

  10. 通过跟踪测定不同存放时间下聚丁二烯胶乳(PB胶乳)的pH值、粒径、表面张力、粘度、凝固物含量、机械稳定性等各项物性指标,对PB胶乳的存放稳定性进行了比较深入研究。

    The pH value , particle diameter , surface tension , emulsion viscosity , coagulum content , and mechanical stability of polybutadiene latex ( PBL ) were tracing measured by timing sampling , and the storage stability of PBL was investigated in detail .

  11. Ⅳ型胶原和LN是基底膜的两个主要组成成分,Ⅳ型胶原形成一级网络结构,提供显著的机械稳定性,LN结合到Ⅳ型胶原与巢蛋白等相互作用形成二级网络。

    Type IV collagen and laminin are two major components of BM . Type IV collagen forms a network that confers the distinct mechanical stability known to BM . Laminin binds to collagen IV and forms a second network by interacting with nidogen .

  12. 研究表明,在有机半导体结构上接入POSS可以提高材料的热和热机械稳定性、韧性、光透明度以及溶解性能。

    It has been demonstrated that the incorporation of POSS onto organic semiconductors has potential for the enhancement of properties such as thermal and thermomechanical stabilities , mechanical toughness , optical transparency , and solubility .

  13. 将PVA-SO3Na添加在维氯纶纺丝原液中,用自制的装置测定了该PVA-PVC共混液的机械稳定性。

    PVA-SO_3Na was added into PVA-PVC spinning solution , the mechanical stability of the solution was determined by using a self-made laboratory instrument .

  14. 该胶乳机械稳定性小于0.100%,化学稳定性小于0.030%,粒径为110~140nm。

    The mechanical stability of the latex was less than 0.100 % , chemical stability less than 0.030 % , particle size 110 ~ 140 nm .

  15. 结果表明,两性乳化剂MS1具有较高聚合速度,同时具有较好的乳液稳定性,在聚合后的乳液中加入Op10,可提高胶乳的化学机械稳定性。

    Results show emulsifier MS 1 , an amphoteric surfactant , providing relatively high polymerization rate with good latex stability . The addition of Op 10 after polymerization reaction will increase stability .

  16. 另外,秸秆还田显著提高了0~20cm土层0.25mm的土壤机械稳定性和水稳定性团聚体含量,增强了该土层土壤团聚体的稳定性。

    We also find that in 0 ~ 20 cm soil layer , straw returning can significantly increase the content of 0.25 mm soil mechanical aggregates and soil water-stable aggregates , enhance the stability of soil aggregates . 7 .

  17. 以分子链末端为巯基的部分水解聚乙烯醇(PVA-SH)为保护胶体,采用半连续乳液聚合工艺合成出具有高机械稳定性的高固含量聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯-丙烯酸丁酯(MMA/BA)共聚物乳液。

    Highly shear-stable copolymer dispersions with high solid contents of methyl methacrylate ( MMA ) and butyl acrylate ( BA ) were prepared using the semicontinuous emulsion polymerization , with thiol-ended poly ( vinyl alcohol ) ( PVA-SH ) as the protective colloid .

  18. 全模具化生产,机械稳定性有保证;

    Processing in all mould mode , higher mechanical stability ;

  19. 游离磷和结合磷对机械稳定性的影响很不相同。

    The influence of combined phosphorus is obviously different from free phosphorus .

  20. 采用专用乳化剂将熔化的固体石蜡制备成固体自乳化蜡,并对其乳液的耐温稳定性、耐机械稳定性和耐化学稳定性进行研究。

    Self-emulsifying solid wax was prepared by melting solid wax with special emulsifying agent .

  21. 机械稳定性与奥氏体的成分和尺寸有关;

    The mechanical stability of austenite is related to its chemical composition and size .

  22. 微球粒径分布窄,具有良好的机械稳定性和耐酸性。

    The microspheres have narrow distribution of diameter , excellent mechanical stability and acid-resistivity .

  23. 微波开关控制电路的机械稳定性研究

    The mechanical stability of microwave switch-controlled circuit

  24. 分析了不同端部连接工艺复合绝缘子的机械稳定性,提出了复合绝缘子机械运行性能的检测要求。

    The mechanical stability of the composite insulators with different end connection craftworks are discussed .

  25. 直升机旋翼气动机械稳定性的一个重要方面是空中与地面稳定性问题。

    An important problem in Aeromechanical stability of a helicopter is ground and air resonance stability .

  26. 机械稳定性随土壤的层理和土壤结构中各相情况而变化。

    The mechnical stability , varies with soil texture and with various phases of soil structure .

  27. 文章给出了电子秤的机械稳定性和高稳定度前置放大器的研究结果。

    This paper describes the working of the electronic-weighing system and a preamplifier used in this method .

  28. 结果表明,管式薄膜蒸汽闪蒸脱挥装置操作条件温和,适用于机械稳定性差的胶乳脱挥;

    The result shows th at the operating condition of the tubular-film-steam flashing apparatus is mil d ;

  29. 残余奥氏体及其机械稳定性与钢强韧性关系的研究

    Investigation on the relationship between strength and toughness of steels and retained austenite and its mechanical stability

  30. 大颗粒活性炭有利于保持电极的机械稳定性。

    It preferred to using activated carbon has large particle size for the mechanical stability of the electrode .