
  • 网络Mechanical operation;machine operation
  1. 刚性回转体机械运转现场实用平衡方法&ZF法

    Practical Method of Equilibrium about Turning Rigid Body in Situ-ZF Method

  2. 使用干气密封的离心压缩机在试验台上的机械运转试验

    Machine Running Test of Centrifugal Compressor with Dry Gas Seal on Test-bed

  3. 机械运转速度不均匀系数

    Coefficient of non-uniformity of operating velocity of machinery

  4. 首先通过无线传感器节点中的高精度加速度传感器采集机械运转中的实时振动信号。

    Firstly , through high precision acceleration sensors in the wireless sensor nodes collect real-time vibration sign of machinery and equipment .

  5. 为保证机床的机械运转状态达到规定振动指标,应对机床进行振动测定。

    The vibration of the machine tools were tested to make the mechanical movement state of the machine tools reach a high standard .

  6. 最后通过样机的机械运转试验和工作性能的非线性瞬态动力学预估手段,对产品的设计质量进行了评价。

    Evaluation work is performed for lean design method by using trail run of prototype and forecast method of nonlinear transient dynamic for working performance .

  7. 本文全面介绍了首次国产的乙烯三机驱动汽轮机的性能参数、结构特点、制造工艺以及在制造厂内的机械运转试验。

    In this paper , the characteristics , manufacture process and operating test of the first China made " three machines " and powered turbine used in ethylene machine set were introduced in overall .

  8. 灌装机的稳定性体现在长时间运转时故障率低,管制瓶破损低,加塞成功率高,灌装精度稳定性好,机械运转噪声小,机电控制系统灵敏,易于检修。

    Stability of the filling machine depends on low failure rate during long run , low bottle broken , high success rate of adding stopper , good stability of filling , little noise of running machine , rapid electrical and mechanical control system and easy to repair .

  9. 保证工程机械稳定运转时的机架衬套合理间隙

    Reasonable clearance of sleeves in construction machine frames to ensure stable operation

  10. 水力的和机械的运转保证将以水测试为基础。

    Hydraulic and mechanical performance guarantees shall be based on water testing .

  11. 浅论油液质量对机械设备运转的影响

    Discussion on that Mechanical Device is Influenced by Oil Quality

  12. 伺服电机在控制系统中是对机械元件运转的速度、位置精度控制非常准确的一种执行器件。

    Servo motor is an executive device that can control the speed and the position of mechanical element very accurately .

  13. 机械在运转过程中,等效力矩和等效转动惯量的周期性变化将导致速度的周期性波动。

    When a machine runs , the periodic varieties of equivalent force - moment and rotary inertia will cause the periodic fluctuation of speed .

  14. 大量的旋转机械在运转时产生强烈的噪声,因而给人们的日常工作和生活带来许多烦恼。

    Lots of rotary machines bring strong noise when they rotate . As the result of the noises , the people feel very annoyance in their daily life .

  15. 然而机械设备运转时所产生的振动,不仅影响本身的工作精度、结构强度和使用寿命,而且会对周围的仪器、设备和建筑物带来危害。

    However , the vibration of mechanical equipments not only affects the accuracy , structural strength and service life , but also brings mischief of the surrounding equipments and buildings .

  16. 在机械设备运转过程中,齿轮传动系统通过主、从动齿轮的相互啮合传递运动和能量,这个过程将产生一定形式的机械振动。

    When the mechanical device is running , motion and force is transmitted through engagement between the driving gear and driven gear in geared system , and the mechanical vibration must be generated .

  17. 精密机械的运转常使用轴承,而轴承球、陶瓷球是轴承的主要元件之一,精密球在精密工程领域发挥着重要作用。

    Bearing is widely used in precision mechanism , and the bearing balls and ceramic balls are one of its major components . The precise bearing balls play the important role in precision engineering .

  18. 如果要使机械支座正常运转,则基本维护非常重要。

    Good maintenance is essential if mechanical bearings are to perform properly .

  19. 同时,缺乏合理的配置,施工机械设备联合运转效率不理想。

    At the same time , lack of rational allocation , joint operation efficiency of construction machinery and equipment is not ideal .

  20. 但是,工业中仍然缺少柔性故障预防保护系统,不能保障工业设备在最佳工况点和机械状态下运转。

    But there is no such flexible fault preventing and protecting system in modern industry that machinery isn 't in the best condition in operation .

  21. 讨论了船用机械密封的运转特点。结合必要的假设对密封体系简化,分析推导出端面间的受力。

    Discussion on the marine mechanical seal operating characteristics , combined with basic and necessary assumption condition for simplifies the force on the end faces in sealing system .

  22. 本机特点:采用机械结构、运转平稳、速度快、效果好、噪音低、结构简单、操作及维修方便、故障率低。

    Features : It adopts mechanical structure , smooth and fast operation , high efficiency , low noise , simple structure , convenient operation and maintenance and low fault .

  23. 机械设备的运转离不开良好的润滑,尤其对于一些润滑保养比较困难的特殊工况环境,例如高空危险、化学腐蚀、有毒污染等恶劣环境。

    Lubrication is very important to mechanical equipment especially in some conditions which are difficult to supply lubricating maintenance such as high altitude , chemical etching , and poisonous pollution .

  24. 实践表明:小波理论的发展适应于振动信号检测的要求,给监测旋转机械的正常运转和可能引发故障的原因提供了一种科学的研究方法。

    The practice shows that the detection requirments of a vibrating singal can be fulfilled by application of the wavelet theory . A research method is offered for the signal analysis and detection .

  25. 机舱内主机等机械设备在运转时产生的振动通过支撑系统传递到双层底,双层底受激振动后可能继发性地引起其他船体结构振动并向舷外海水辐射噪声。

    The vibration generated by main engine and other mechanical equipment in operation is passed to double bottom through supporting system . The stimulated vibration of double bottom may cause vibration of other ship structures and radiate noise to surrounding sea water .

  26. 这设施由机械设计建造并运转。

    This facility was designed , built and is operated mechanically .

  27. (尤指电器或机械用具)停止运转,出故障

    ( esp of electrical or mechanical things ) stop functioning ; break down

  28. 用电流运转的机械装置。持续运转水力发电厂

    A mechanical device that is operated by electricity . continuous service hydraulic power plant

  29. 这种光束比机械切削器能运转得更为精确。精密加工中切削参数对毛刺尺寸的影响

    The light beam can be steered more accurately than a mechanical cutter . The Affection of Cutting Parameters on the Burr in Precision Machining

  30. 润滑脂广泛应用于各种机械设备,对维护机械正常运转和延长机械设备使用寿命有十分重要的作用。

    Grease is widely used in all kinds of machinery , it plays a very important role in extending the service life of machinery .