
lì fǎ jī ɡòu
  • Legislature;assembly;legislative branch;legislative institution
  1. 并且美国国会立法机构会重新进行构建。

    And they shape the legislative branch of the U.S. Congress .

  2. 我是美国政府立法机构的一部分。

    I 'm part of the legislative branch of the U.S. government .

  3. 立法机构通过投票将该国的前度领导人赶下了台。

    The legislative body had voted to oust the country 's onetime rulers .

  4. 他没有进一步说明过渡政府和立法机构将采取的形式。

    He didn 't enlarge on the form that the interim government and assembly would take

  5. 在美国,立法机构分为地方、州和联邦三个级别。

    In the United States there are legislatures at the local , State , and Federal levels .

  6. 中国最高立法机构周五通过了个人所得税修正案,将个人所得税最低起征标准从3500元每月提高到5000元每月或60000元每年。

    China 's top legislature passed the amendment to the personal income tax law on Friday , raising minimum threshold for individual income tax from 3500 to 5000 yuan per month , or 60000 yuan per year .

  7. 第四部分……n.议会,国会在英国议会是立法机构。

    Part 4 ...... parliament Parliament is the lawmaking group in Great Britain .

  8. 他还曾是前苏联橡皮图章立法机构最高苏维埃(SupremeSoviet)的成员。

    He also served as a member of the Supreme Soviet , the U.S.S.R. 's rubber-stamp legislative body .

  9. 该市立法机构伦敦议会(LondonAssembly)下设的环境委员会发布的最新报告写道,市长应该考虑在该区域禁行所有柴油车。

    A recent report by the environmental committee of the London Assembly , the city 's legislature , said the mayor should consider banning all diesels from the zone .

  10. 当前各省、自治区、直辖市的地方立法机构应根据WTO理念与原则重新构筑地方法律体系,以适应新的形势。

    Now , the legislatures in province , autonomous regions and municipalities should construct a new legal system according the new thoughts and new principle to fit the new situation .

  11. 英国议会可能是世界上LGBT最多的立法机构。

    It may be the most LGBT legislature in the world .

  12. ABA的45个州中取得了胜利,甚至使国家的律师考试采取非阿坝法学院学生在最高法院和立法机构。

    The ABA has prevailed upon Supreme Courts and Legislatures in45 states to keep students from non-ABA law schools even from taking State bar exams .

  13. 加利福尼亚州立法机构正在讨论由民主党人、美籍华人方文忠(PaulFong)联合提议的一项旨在禁止贩卖、消费和交易鱼翅的议案。

    The California state legislature is debating a bill co-sponsored by Paul Fong , a Chinese-American Democrat , to ban the sale , consumption and trade of shark fin .

  14. 上周,州立法机构向彭斯提交了一个提案。根据该提案,当一个社区因为静脉药物注射而出现HIV或丙型肝炎的广泛传播时,可以创立一个长达一年的针头更换项目。

    Last week , the state legislature sent a bill to Mr. Pence that would allow communities to create needle exchange programs for up to a year if they are experiencing an epidemic of H.I.V. or hepatitis C because of intravenous drug use .

  15. 英格兰国教会的立法机构总议会(GeneralSynod)在进行了很大程度上是象征性的举手表决后,宣布通过了这一具有历史意义的变革。

    Approval of the historic change , which was first agreed to in July , was announced after a largely symbolic show of hands at the General Synod , the lawmaking body of the Church of England .

  16. 这些谈判包括由12个国家不久前刚刚达成(但仍须各国立法机构批准)的《跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》(TPP),该协定覆盖美国、日本及其他经济体,共计占全球经济的40%左右。

    Among those is the 12-country Trans-Pacific Partnership - agreed this week though subject to ratification - which includes the US and Japan and other economies making up some 40 per cent of the global economy .

  17. 在葬礼举行完的几天后,沙琳给她的一个朋友JoeMcDermott打电话,当时JoeMcDermott是州立法机构中五名公开同性恋身份的代表之一。

    Days after the funeral service , she called to her friend Joe McDermott , then one of five openly gay representatives in the state legislature , asking if she could help push the bill .

  18. 布鲁金斯学会(很NB的一个美国智库)的丹尼尔•考夫曼根据世界经济论坛的研究报告,注意到了和加拿大、英国、德国不同(见图表1),美国公司高层对本国立法机构的信心,自2002年以来,一直就在往下降。

    Daniel Kaufmann of the Brookings Institution , examining surveys by the World Economic Forum , notes that the confidence of American business executives in their legislature has fallen steadily since 2002 , while that of their Canadian , British and German peers has not ( see chart 1 ) .

  19. 他和辉格党领导人HenryClay对于特别会议的必要性产生分歧(Harrison反对,但是Clay为了使他的经济议程顺利进行希望会议尽快进行),但是Clay在立法机构和辉格党的有利地位迫使Harrison让步。

    He and Whig leader Henry Clay had disagreed over the necessity of the special session ( which Harrison opposed , but Clay desired in order to immediately get his economic agenda underway ) , but Clay 's powerful position in both the legislature and the Whig Party quickly forced Harrison to give in .

  20. 无论是在全国立法机构选举中获得12%选票的瑞典民主党(SwedenDemocrats),还是在勃兰登堡州(Brandenburg)和图林根州(Thuringia)议会选举中得票率分别为12.2%和10.6%的德国新选项党(AfD),都谈不上是大获全胜。

    Neither the Sweden Democrats , with 12.9 per cent of the vote in national legislative elections , nor Alternative for Germany ( AfD ) , with 12.2 per cent and 10.6 per cent respectively in elections to the state parliaments of Brandenburg and Thuringia , came anywhere near outright victory .

  21. 正当华盛顿政客们吵得不可开交之际,各州立法机构已经开始采取行动。

    As politicians bickered in Washington , state legislatures took action .

  22. 州和联邦立法机构已经惹怒众人。

    State and federal regulators tread on each other 's toes .

  23. 组成的两院制立法机构的100名议员组成的参议院和一个342人组成的国民议会。

    The bicameral legislature comprises a100-member Senate and a342-member National Assembly .

  24. 政治体系也门是采用两院制立法机构的共和国。

    Political System Yemen is a republic with a bicameral legislature .

  25. 立法机构开始以议会党团为运作方式。

    Legislative institution first operated in the form of parliamentary groups .

  26. 与立法机构有关,或由立法机构的成员组成。

    Relating to a legislature or composed of members of a legislature .

  27. 除了内布拉斯加州,各州立法机构都有两院组成。

    Every state legislature , except Nebraska 's , has two chambers .

  28. (某些国家)两院制立法机构之下院上议院通常是两院制议会中较小的一个

    The upper house is usually the smaller branch of a bicameral legislature

  29. 但是伊利诺伊州的立法机构并没有行动起来。

    But illinois 's legislature has yet to act on the reforms .

  30. 法案在立法机构通过后就变成法律。

    A bill becomes a law when it passes the lawmaking body .