
gān yuàn
  • willingly;readily
甘愿 [gān yuàn]
  • [willingly;readily] 甘心情愿

  • 甘愿受罚

甘愿[gān yuàn]
  1. 他们甘愿做一些对缺乏安全感的人来说是「有失身分」的低贱工作。

    They willingly accept jobs that insecure people would consider " beneath " them .

  2. 耶稣来到世上,甘愿让仇敌钉他的手脚上了十字架。

    Jesus came down to earth and willingly allowed His enemies to nail His hands and feet to a cross .

  3. 尽管在商店偷东西是她妹妹的主意,可她甘愿为此受罚。

    She was prepared to take the rap for the shoplifting , though it had been her sister 's idea .

  4. 他们甘愿为信仰而死。

    They were ready to die for their beliefs

  5. 振作起来!难道你甘愿在这些人面前示弱吗?

    Pull yourself together ; do you want to show the white feather in front of these people ?

  6. whole:整个thewholetime:一直,一向他的事我一直都知道那…那你甘愿让他利用?

    Jenny : Well , I knew about him the whole time . - Dan : So ... so you let him use you ? -

  7. GLL希望其投资能产生收入,并甘愿为此付出高昂的代价。

    GLL wanted an income-generating investment , and it paid big for it .

  8. 只要投资者相信SaaS公司总有一天会盈利,他们就会甘愿看到,销售与营销费用吞噬掉这些公司营收的一半或一半以上。

    Investors are quite happy to see sales and marketing costs eat up half or more of revenues as long as they believe that , one day , profits will flow .

  9. 杜兰特20投14中,而库里–这位两届MVP,在看到这位新的的超级巨星开始融入他们的团队时,甘愿退居次位,他们两人共同完成勇士辉煌的季后赛。

    Durant shot 14 for 20 and Curry - the two-time reigning MVP who took a backseat as the new big star got acclimated - finished off a brilliant postseason .

  10. Camerer和Weber(1992)提出了模糊保险金(ambiguitymedium)的概念,发现个体甘愿付出一定的模糊保险金去寻求进一步的信息,从而减少模糊程度。

    Camerer and Weber ( 1992 ) proposed conception of ambiguity medium , found that individuals are willing to pay a certain amount of ambiguity medium to seek further information , thus reducing the degree of ambiguity .

  11. 这项特性也是UX,并作为实验性的;尽管如此,其实用性却让我甘愿冒这个险,在内部应用程序中使用。

    This feature is also a UX and marked as experimental ; however , its usefulness was enough for me to take the risk and use it in my internal application .

  12. 天主教的Marianist是由那些甘愿为上帝、为圣母玛利亚奉献一生的人组成的。

    The Marianists are a brotherhood of people who are all devoted to giving their life in faith of God and the Virgin Mary .

  13. 甘愿做你那颗高傲的心的奴隶。

    Thy proud heart 's slave and vassal wretch to be .

  14. 甘愿被教导、领导、管理或指导。

    Willing to be taught or led or supervised or directed .

  15. 或者你会不会甘愿去拯救别人呢?

    Or can you find it within you to save another ?

  16. 我甘愿采取这种匍匐在地的卑下姿态。

    I was willing to adopt this attitude of abject prostration .

  17. 我想知道洛基怎么会甘愿束手就擒

    I want to know why Loki let us take him .

  18. 为了博得她的一笑,我甘愿做任何事情。

    I 'd do anything to see her crack a smile .

  19. 你甘愿冒险,敞开心扉

    You opened up , took a risk with your heart .

  20. 不是一切梦想都甘愿被折断翅膀。

    Not all dreams wish to be cut off the wings .

  21. 但是,很少公司甘愿承认他们是完全私人企业。

    However , few contend that they are truly private companies .

  22. 鲍叔推荐管仲以后,自己甘愿做他的下属。

    Guan Zhong Bao Shu recommended after its meaning his subordinates .

  23. 羽饰(通常为鸵鸟羽质)-甘愿臣服。

    Feathers ( usually ostrich ) - Willing obedience and serenity .

  24. 他甘愿献身于自己的艺术。

    He was willing to make himself a servant of his art .

  25. 很少人甘愿让自尊心受到伤害。

    Few people will submit to having their pride injured .

  26. 为人民服务他们甘愿赴汤蹈火。

    They would go through fire and water to serve the people .

  27. 这些家伙居然甘愿放弃自己的生命。

    These guys were willing to give up their lives .

  28. 如果你爱上谁,你就甘愿敞开心胸承受痛苦。

    If you love someone , you open yourself up to suffering .

  29. 如果有着冒险的充分理由,我是甘愿冒险的。

    I am ready to run risks if they are reasonably justifiable .

  30. 事实上,我不但不杀你还甘愿让你吸干我的脑子。

    In fact , I 'll even let you eat my brains .