
ɡān lù jù tánɡ jié hé nínɡ jí sù
  • mannanbinding lectin
  1. 目的获得小鼠甘露聚糖结合凝集素-C(MBL-C)基因的全长编码区cDNA。

    Objective To obtain full-length cDNA encoding mouse mannan-binding lectin C ( MBL-C ) polypeptide .

  2. 甘露聚糖结合凝集素(MBL)系胶原凝集素家族成员,是天然免疫系统中的重要分子。

    Mannan-binding lectin is a member of collectin family and plays an important role in innate immune defense .

  3. 目的比较人甘露聚糖结合凝集素(MBL)基因在不同哺乳细胞株中的表达效率。

    Objective To compare the expression efficiencies of human mannan-binding lectin ( MBL ) gene in different mammalian cells .

  4. 本文还利用PCR方法从青岛文昌鱼基因组DNA中克隆MASP(甘露聚糖结合凝集素相关丝氨酸蛋白酶)基因片段。

    The MASP ( mannose-binding lectin-associated serine protease ) gene has been cloned by the method of degenerative PCR and the fragment of the PCR product is 630 bps in length .

  5. 目的了解汉族儿童甘露聚糖结合凝集素(MBL)第一外显子54密码子的基因多态性以及与血清MBL蛋白水平的关系。

    Objective To identify the relationship of gene polymorphism at code 54 of exon 1 with serum protein level of mannose-binding lectin ( MBL ) .

  6. 背景:甘露聚糖结合凝集素(mannosebindinglectin,MBL)是一种肝脏合成的C型凝集素,是重要的先天免疫分子。

    Background : Human mannose-binding lectin ( MBL ) is a liver-produced , C-type serum lectin that seems to play an important role in innate immunity . MBL is a multichain molecule of up to six subunits ;

  7. 目的:检测河北地区大学一年级HbsAb阳性与HbsAb阴性新生血清甘露聚糖结合凝集素(MBL)的浓度,比较差异并评价其非特异性免疫功能。

    Objective : To investigate the concentration of mannan binding lectin and active HbsAb for the freshmen in Hebei province and further assess their innate immunity .

  8. 目的探讨甘露聚糖结合凝集素(MBL)对脂多糖(LPS)刺激的不同分化和活化状态THP1/CD14细胞产生TNF-α和IL-12的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effects of mannan-binding lectin ( MBL ) on TNF - α and IL-12 production induced by lipopolysaccharide ( LPS ) in differentiated and activated THP1 / CD14 cells .

  9. 目的原核表达Balb/c小鼠肝型甘露聚糖结合凝集素(mMBL-C)糖识别域(CRD)并制备其多克隆抗体。

    Objective To express the carbohydrate recognition domain ( CRD ) of Balb / c mouse MBL-C gene in E. coli and prepare its polyclonal antibody .

  10. 近年来,本课题组一直在研究甘露聚糖结合凝集素(mannan-bindinglectin,MBL)的免疫调节作用,但它是一个存在于血清中的可溶性模式识别受体。

    In recent years , Our research group has been studying immunoregulation of MBL ( mannan-binding lectin ) which is a soluble pattern recognition receptors existed in the serum .

  11. 目的:研究中国云南白族人甘露聚糖结合凝集素(MBL)基因单核苷酸多态性(SNP)及其单倍型与基因型。

    Objective : To investigate the single nucleotide polymorphisms ( SNP ), haplotypes and genotypes of mannan-binding lectin ( MBL ) gene in the Bai ( Pai ) nationality from YunNan province , China .

  12. 甘露聚糖结合凝集素(Mannanbindinglectin,MBL)为肝细胞分泌的一种血清糖蛋白,属于C型凝集素超家族中胶凝素家族的成员,是天然免疫系统中重要的模式识别分子。

    Mannan-binding lectin ( MBL ), the member of collectins which belongs to C-type lectin superfamily , is a serum protein secreted by liver cells . It is an important pattern-recognition receptor ( PRR ) in the innate immune system .

  13. 甘露聚糖结合凝集素(mannan-bindinglectin,MBL)系C型凝集素超级家族中胶凝素家族成员,是天然免疫系统中的关键分子。

    Mannan-binding lectin ( MBL ), one of members of the collectin ( C-type lectin with a collagen-like domain ) family in the superfamily of C-type lectins , is a central component of the innate immune system .

  14. 甘露聚糖结合凝集素(MBL)是一种肝源性的血清蛋白,属Ca2+依赖型凝集素家族成员,在天然免疫中起重要作用。

    Mannan binding lectin ( MBL ) is a serum protein of hepatic origin belonging to a family of Ca 2 + dependent collagenous lectins and plays an important role in innate immunity .

  15. 甘露聚糖结合凝集素(mannan-bindinglectin,MBL)是天然免疫系统中的关键分子,为肝细胞分泌的血浆蛋白,属C型凝集素超家族中胶凝素(collectins)家族成员。

    At present , it has been established Mannan-binding lectin ( MBL ) is a key molecule of innate immune system . MBL , the member of collectins which belongs to C-type lectin superfamily , is a serum protein secreted by liver cells .

  16. Balb/C小鼠甘露聚糖结合凝集素-A糖识别域的原核表达

    Prokaryotic expression of Balb / C mouse MBL-A carbohydrate recognition domain

  17. 甘露聚糖结合凝集素的生物学功能及其临床意义

    Relationship between the function of mannan - binding lectin and disease

  18. 甘露聚糖结合凝集素基因多态性与血清蛋白表达水平的关系

    The relationship between gene polymorphisms and serum protein level of mannan-binding lectin

  19. 长白猪甘露聚糖结合凝集素-C基因的克隆与序列分析

    Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Porcine Mannan-binding Lectin C Gene from Landrace

  20. 猪甘露聚糖结合凝集素的遗传特征及研究进展

    The Genetic Characteristics and Research Progress of Porcine Mannan-binding Lectin

  21. 甘露聚糖结合凝集素的丝氨酸蛋白酶结合位点初步研究

    Preliminary study on serine proteases binding sites on mannan-binding lectin

  22. 甘露聚糖结合凝集素对抗原提呈细胞分化与功能的调节作用

    Regulatory Roles of Mannan-binding Lectin in Differentiation and Functions of Antigen Presenting Cells

  23. 甘露聚糖结合凝集素与儿童反复呼吸道感染

    Mannose-Binding Lectin and Repeated Respiratory Tract Infections in Children

  24. 野猪甘露聚糖结合凝集素的分离纯化及其多克隆抗体的制备

    Isolation , Purification and Polyclonal Antibody Preparation of Mannan-binding Lectin from Wild Boar

  25. 甘露聚糖结合凝集素的分离纯化和活性研究油水重力分离原理及聚结破乳机理初探

    Purification and Characterization of Mannan-binding Lectin ; Principle of the Oil-Water Gravity Separation and Elementary Researches on Coalescent Demulsification

  26. 中国中西部地区儿童甘露聚糖结合凝集素正常参考值建立及基因型检测

    Study on the Normal Value of Serum MBL and Gene Polymorphism among Children in Middle and Western Part of China