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  1. 果肉黄红色,褐斑细小而少或无,肉质甜脆、爽口,果实成熟时可溶性固形物含量16%~18%,维生素C含量超过120mg/100g,可溶性单宁含量为0.032%,在树上完全自然脱涩。

    The flesh is red-yellow in color with tiny brown spot , and taste sweet and crisp . Contents of soluble solids , vitamin C and soluble tannin are 16 % to 18 % , 120 mg per 100 g of flesh and 0.032 % , respectively .

  2. 两个甜脆豌豆品种苗期生长特性研究

    Characteristics of two sweet and crisp pea varieties at seedling stage

  3. 甜脆豌豆施肥数学模型研究

    Study on Mathematic Model of Fertilizer Application for Sweet and Crisp Pea

  4. 抗寒月季反季扦插试验初报元谋干热区反季甜脆玉米品种比较

    The Compare Trial of Sweet Corn in Inverse Season in Arid Hot Land of Yuanmou

  5. 新鲜甜脆

    Fresh and ripe as can be .

  6. 无论放在果盘和午餐盒里,还是用来榨汁,这种苹果都能保持新鲜诱人的外表和甜脆的口感,因此一定会广受欢迎。

    It is also likely to be very popular as a fresh apple for platters and lunchboxes , and for fresh juicing , where it retains an attractive pink blush and fresh , light flavour .

  7. 这种梨又甜又脆。

    These pears are sweet and crisp .

  8. 他们的蜜汁烧鸡佐以烟熏味调料,表层的鸡皮粘、甜、脆。

    Their honey roast chicken was infused with smoky flavours and covered with sticky , sweet caramelised skin .

  9. 对胡萝卜的最新研究显示,这些甜而脆蔬菜可能有助于控制血糖水平,减少糖尿病的危险。

    The latest research on carrots shows these sweet , crunchy veggies may help control blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of developing diabetes .

  10. 历史悠久,工艺精细,以其“香、甜、脆、嫩、鲜”等独特风味而闻名。

    With its long history and fine technics , it has been well-known for its unique flavor with being delicious , crisp , tender and fresh .

  11. 男生的誓言,往往像甜而脆的薄饼进入嘴里就会慢慢的溶化可是它又会迅速潜伏进你的体内占领你的心。

    Male student 's pledge often likes sweet and the crisp pizza enters inthe mouth to be able the slowly dissolve but it to be able the rapidambush to enter your in vivo to seize your heart .

  12. 喜欢重油、厚味和香、酥、甜、脆的食品,调料多辣、酸,重用香料,常用烤、炸、煎、煮等法。

    Like heavy oil , Hou Wei and incense , cakes , sweet , crisp foods , spices and more spicy , sour and reuse spices , commonly used roasted , fried , fried , boiled , and other laws .

  13. 以美国菜用甜豌豆甜脆蜜为试验材料,研究了植物生长调节剂DTA-6对甜豌豆产量和品质的影响。

    The yield and quality of American sweet pea was studied by using the plant growth regulator DTA 6 in Beijing and Tianjin in 2000 and 2001 . The plants was treated with DTA 6 and clean water as CK in the experiment .

  14. 他做了一顿美式晚餐,包括烤甜土豆汤和脆煎油封鸭,但同时融合了中美两种文化。

    He made an American meal , including roasted sweet potato soup and crispy duck confit , but with a fusion of the two cultures .

  15. 第一道菜有甜酱油炸鱼;甜辣酱汁脆鳝(对于那些以前从不敢尝试鳝鱼的人而言,这道菜很受欢迎);酸辣黄豆配冰镇黄瓜。

    Among the first courses were deep fried fish in sweet soy sauce ; crisp eel strips in sweet chilli sauce which proved highly popular with someone who had not dared to try eel before , and chilled cucumber with soybeans in a spicy , sour sauce .