
xǐ méi chǎnɡ
  • coal washery;coal cleaning plant
洗煤厂 [xǐ méi chǎng]
  • [coal washery] 即选煤厂。用以降低原煤中杂质(如灰分,硫分)含量,将煤分选为几种不同的等级以供不同工业部门需要(如用选过的煤炼焦可提高焦炭质量)的工厂

  1. 钛磁铁矿的综合回收及在洗煤厂的应用

    Comprehensive Recovery of Titanomagnetite and Its Application in Coal Washery

  2. 经济型洗煤厂集中控制系统的设计

    Design of concentrate control system for economic-type coal washery

  3. 基于PROFIBUS的洗煤厂实用监控系统

    The Practice Monitoring System Based on PROFIBUS of the Coal Mine Preparation Plant

  4. TBS在曲江公司洗煤厂的工艺改造及效果

    Process Transformation and effect of TBS in Qujiang Coal Preparation Plant

  5. FJC喷射式浮选机在东山洗煤厂的应用

    Application of FJC jet type flotation machine in Dongshan Coal Preparation Plant

  6. 为中小型循环流化床锅炉燃烧煤泥而研制开发了煤泥管道输送系统,设计采用PLC自动控制,不仅解决了洗煤厂副产品煤泥的销售出路,而且避免了煤泥的污染。

    The slurry pipeline conveying system developed for the medium and small-sized cycling fluid-bed boiler is designed with PLC automatic control , which not only solves the sale problem of slurry as a by-product of washery , but also avoids the pollution from slurry .

  7. 结合工程实际,介绍了PROFIBUS技术在煤矿洗煤厂监控系统中的应用,并着重对系统开发的关键技术进行了介绍。

    Combined with the project practice , the application of PROFIBUS in monitoring system of coal mine preparation plant is introduced , and the key method for developing the system is researched .

  8. 炼焦煤洗煤厂利润仿真优化

    The Simulation and Optimization of Profits of Coking Coal Preparation Plants

  9. 煤矿洗煤厂实用监控系统开发研究

    A Research on Practical Monitoring System of Coal Mine Preparation Plant

  10. 云冈矿洗煤厂煤泥水处理工艺

    Disposal Techniques of Flow of Slurry of Yungang Coal Preparation Plant

  11. 太西洗煤厂围绕系统能力提升实施技术改造

    Technology updating against system capability in Taixi Coal Separation Plant

  12. 杏花洗煤厂煤泥水系统的改造

    The reformation of coal slurry water system in Xinghua Coal Preparation Plant

  13. 洗煤厂球磨机齿轮传动的可靠性优化设计

    Optimum Reliability Design of Gear Power Transmission for Ball Mill in Coal Washing

  14. 东山煤矿洗煤厂改变产品结构的探讨

    Approach to Products Structure Transformation In Coal Washing Factory of Dongshan Coal Mine

  15. 应用旋流细筛改进塔拉营子洗煤厂粗煤泥回收工艺

    Recovery technology of slime improved with cyclone fine screen

  16. 过滤机液位控制系统在洗煤厂的应用

    Application of Filter 's Liquid - level Control System in the Coal Washery

  17. 以工人为主体设计的洗煤厂

    A Coal Preparation Plant Designed Chiefly by the Workers

  18. 七煤集团公司洗煤厂浮精煤脱水系统改造

    Dewatering system reform of prepared coal at washing plant of Qitaihe Prepared Coal Group

  19. 太原洗煤厂网络改造方案

    The Improving Plan of Network in Taiyuan Washery

  20. 复合正弦筛在洗煤厂输煤系统中的应用分析

    Analysis on the Application of Multi-Sine Screen in Transport Coal System of Washing Coal Plant

  21. 自动化配煤系统在洗煤厂储装运车间中的应用微机综合保护自动化监控系统在煤矿机修厂变配电所中的应用

    Microcomputer Synthesis Protection Automation Supervisory System Changes in the Coal Mine Repair Workshop in Substation Application

  22. 煤炭在洗煤厂的运输机上运送过程中产生浓烈的煤尘。

    The harmful coal dust was produced during coal transportation by using belt conveyor in coal preparation plant .

  23. 论述了东山煤矿洗煤厂改变产品结构的必要性。

    This paper deals with the necessity of transforming the product structure in Coal Washing Factory of Dongshan Coal Mine .

  24. 介绍了基于C/S模式的洗煤厂煤质管理信息系统的开发。

    The development of coal quality MIS based on C / S for coal preparation enterprise is introduced in this paper .

  25. 分析了云冈矿洗煤厂煤泥水处理工艺在生产中存在的问题的主要原因,提出了解决问题的方法和思路。

    The paper analyses existing problems of flow of slurry of the Yungang Coal Preparation Plant and puts forward the solution .

  26. 动力配煤理论在株洲洗煤厂的成功应用证实了动力配煤理论的正确性。

    The theory of blend is successfully applied in Zhuzhou coal preparation plant , which prove that the theory is correct .

  27. 改造尾矿水处理工艺实现洗水闭路循环云冈矿洗煤厂煤泥水处理工艺

    Reform in tail mine water dealing process and realizing water close-circulation Disposal Techniques of Flow of Slurry of Yungang Coal Preparation Plant

  28. 程控隔膜压滤机在沙湾洗煤厂的应用沙湾古镇·风韵传承&广州市番禺区沙湾镇村庄规划层面的古镇保护探析

    The application of program controlled diaphragm filter press in Shawan Coal Preparation Plant Exploration of Protection of Sha Wan Town of Panyu

  29. 有利于洗煤厂的自动化生产,省略了复杂的制样和装样操作,检测后的煤样能再次用于商品煤生产。

    It helps the automatic production of washery , and the coal after detection could be used for the commercial coal production .

  30. 西大滩洗煤厂原有的煤泥处理系统已达不到生产要求,为此,选用了处理能力大、效率高、效果好,并采用多项最新专利的KM-250/1600型隔膜式压滤机。

    The KM-250 / 1600 quick membrane pressure filter with great treatment capacity , high efficiency , good result and several latest patents are used .