
  • 网络automobile safety
  1. 因而,汽车安全性的研究与开发已成为汽车行业发展的主要方向。为此,介绍了先进安全车(ASV)技术的现状,并讨论了这项技术的发展趋势。

    However , the research and development on automobile safety has been the major direction in automobile industry Hence , this paper introduces the present situation of ASV technology , and discusses its developmental trends .

  2. 现代汽车安全性网络化检测系统研究

    Studies on new examination system of the modern automobile safety network

  3. Volvo汽车安全性的设计原则

    The Design Principle of Volvo Auto Safety

  4. 提出DOE的方法对汽车安全性进行优化,介绍了DOE分析原理和DOE分析步骤。

    Experimental design methods have been used to optimize motor vehicle safety . Finally the DOE analysis principles and DOE analysis steps were introduced .

  5. 对汽车安全性基本无影响的是音响改装。

    For car safety basic without influence is sound modification .

  6. 行人保护&汽车安全性研究的新领域

    Pedestrian protection - New frontier in automotive active safety research

  7. 这些措施旨在改善汽车安全性。

    These measures were designed to improve car safety .

  8. 基于“以人为中心”的汽车安全性研究

    Study on The Automobile Safety Based on Human-centered Idea

  9. 集成加速度传感器在国外已广泛用于汽车安全性及性能测试。

    Accelerometer is widely used abroad for accelerating performance and safety testing as well as navigation .

  10. 汽车安全性与人性化

    Security and Human-based Design of Automobiles

  11. 扭转振动是影响汽车安全性和舒适性的重要因素之一。

    Torsional vibration is one of the most important factors which greatly influence the mobile safety .

  12. 不过,也有一些人说,这起事故引发了这样一个问题:在中国道路上行驶的汽车安全性如何?

    Others , though , said the incident brought into question just how safe cars are on Chinese roads .

  13. 建立一个综合全面地考虑各类影响汽车安全性的因素的汽车安全性评价指数系统,对研究汽车安全性有一定的意义。

    It is meaningful to establish a car-safety characteristic index system with many factors which may influence the car-safety characteristic .

  14. 为了提高和发展汽车安全性的研究水平和能力研制了车身结构件安全性试验台。

    A vehicle body structure safety test rig was developed to enhance the research ability and development of vehicle safety .

  15. 现代社会对汽车安全性、舒适性及节能环保的追求越来越高。

    Modern car manufacturing companies are paying more and more attention to the safety , comfort , energy saving and environment-friendliness .

  16. 随着儿童乘员数量的逐年增加,儿童乘员的乘车安全已经成为汽车安全性研究的重要课题。

    With the increasing number of child occupants , the safety of child occupants became an important research topic of vehicle safety .

  17. 随着时代的发展,无线数据通信和全球卫星定位等技术为进一步提高汽车安全性和舒适性等提供了强劲的支持。

    With the development of times , wireless data communication and GPRS have worked as a great help for improving automotive safety and comfort .

  18. 在控制方式的切换过程中,设计了平滑处理模块以提高电动汽车安全性。

    In the process of the change between the control methods , this paper smoothes the change process to advance the safety of EV .

  19. 随着国家节能减排及消费者对汽车安全性的要求越来越高,对高效率,长寿命电动燃油泵的需求越来越强烈。

    Belong with higher energy-saving and emission-reduction by government and security requirement by customer , higher efficiency and longer lifetime pumps are demanded eagerly .

  20. 计算机仿真技术是汽车安全性领域重要的研究手段,仿真精度和效率的提高依赖于精确的仿真模型。

    Computer simulation technology is an important research method in the field of vehicle safety , and the simulation accuracy and efficiency depend on the accurate model .

  21. 随着人们对汽车安全性、舒适性、经济性的不断追求,汽车线控转向系统被普遍认为是下一代汽车转向系统。

    Along with people to car safety , comfortable , economy of continuously pursue , automotive steer-by-wire system is commonly considered as the next generation automotive steering system .

  22. 汽车安全性也因此受到人们越来越多的关注,提高汽车在碰撞事故中被动安全性能已经成为汽车安全设计中的一个关键环节。

    Hence , automotive security has attracted more attentions than ever before . The improvement of automotive passive safety performance during crash has become significant in automotive safety design .

  23. 因此,开展汽车安全性研究,改进汽车结构设计,提高抗碰撞能力,保护乘员安全已经成为受到普遍关注的世界性热点研究课题。

    So , it 's becoming a focus in the world that how to develope the research on vehicle safety , improve the design of the structure of cars , etc.

  24. 随着交通运输业的发展,人们对汽车安全性、可靠性的要求不断提高,前照灯作为保障车辆安全行驶的重要工具,其性能的检测越来越受到人们的重视。

    The people are continuously raising their demand about automobile dependability and security with the development of the transport industry . The headlight is an important tool to protect the safe driving of vehicles .

  25. 严峻的交通安全问题使得人们对汽车安全性的要求越来越高,传统的汽车安全系统只能从主动安全和被动安全两个方面独立发挥作用。

    Along with the austere situations of the traffic , people require more and more safety in driving vehicles . Traditional vehicle safety control system play its role by active safety or passive safety independent .

  26. 综合了国内外有关汽车安全性研究的发展动态和前沿领域的情报,就汽车安全性的研究状况、存在的问题、法规以及研究方法等进行了深入的探讨;

    Based upon comprehensive study of updated and advanced techniques worldwide on the subject of motor vehicle safety , a profound discussion is held on various topics such as present status of study , existing problems , enactments and study methods .

  27. 简述了汽车安全性的历史和现状,综合介绍了各种主动安全和被动安全技术及各国研究人员对汽车安全性的研究和试验的状况。

    History and status quo of motor vehicle safety situation are briefed in the article , and various active safety and passive safety technique and situation of research and experiment of motor vehicle safety performed by scientists in different countries are comprehensively presented .

  28. 购车者们更感兴趣的是汽车的安全性和可靠性,而不是它的速度。

    Car buyers are more interested in safety and reliability than speed .

  29. 虽然到目前为止大部分争论都集中在无人驾驶汽车的安全性上(这是理所当然的),但决策者们也应该研究如何让自动驾驶汽车帮忙减少交通堵塞、减少排放并提供更方便、更实惠的出行选择。

    While much of the debate so far has been focused on the safety of driverless cars ( and rightfully so ) , policymakers also should be talking about how self-driving vehicles can help reduce traffic jams , cut emissions and offer more convenient , affordable mobility options .

  30. ABS(Anti-lockbrakingsystem,防抱死制动系统)作为一项成熟的汽车主动安全性技术,已经得到广泛的应用与推广。

    As a mature active safety technology , the ABS ( Anti-lock Braking System ) has been wildly promoted and applied .