
Several nominees , including Lee Sachs and Caroline Atkinson , both former Clinton officials who have been through earlier nomination processes , have withdrawn their names .
Among those passed over with three baseball stars who are eligible for the first time , Barry Bonds , Roger Clemens , Sammy Sosa , NPR 's Craig Windham reports all three were among players linked to the game 's steroid scandal .
Nowadays the US Senate blocks or delays any vaguely contentious nominee .
And we 're going to have a confirmation hearing whoever is nominated .
He nominates people for them .
GREENE : Just a couple seconds left - a few names on the short list ?
Are you satisfied with the people said to be " on track " for Obama cabinet nominations ?
You can have a public debate about politics , but about names it makes things more difficult .
In fact , Judge Merrick Garland has more federal judicial experience than any other Supreme Court nominee in history .
American Idol host , Emmy nominee , and Emmy co-host Ryan Seacrest was bitten by a shark over the weekend .
The ABA rates every nomination to the federal bench for Congress . Bryant 's rating was released publicly Friday morning .
Confirming presidential nominees is one of the responsibilities that can only be done by one part of Congress or the other .
Christie says he intends to appoint someone to fill the seat in the meantime , but he didn 't say who .
Biden has declared victory and announced the first tranche of his Cabinet nominees , including national security and foreign policy officials .
This refusal to treat a Supreme Court nomination with the seriousness it deserves is what makes people so cynical about Washington .
But the incumbent PM al-Maliki has rejected the nomination , stressing his intention to run for a third term in office .
Angry people stormed the headquarters of the Congress in protest against some of the nominated ministers , leading to the suspension of the voting process .
The sitting President shall-not may-but shall nominate someone to fill a vacancy on the Supreme Court , with the advice and consent of the Senate .
And the United States Senate has a duty as well-to give those nominees a fair hearing , and a prompt up-or-down vote on the Senate floor .
Representatives of Mr. Roos and other ambassadorial nominees said they wouldn 't comment before confirmation , a customary position for all nominees , White House aides said .
Zaidan stressed his government will be a coalition that includes the two biggest political parties in Libya , namely the national forces alliance , and the justice and construction party .
I have never been subjected to such personal , insulting and expensive scrutiny in my life , says one second-tier nominee , who was asked for purchase receipts for furniture he donated to charity more than a decade ago .
Nobody is suggesting that Senators have to vote " yes " on a nominee .
They were getting ready to bring in a dark horse to stampede the election .
Across government , leadership positions are unfilled because the administration cannot get its nominees confirmed .
Nouri al-Maliki says Fouad Massoum didn 't name a prime minister by today 's deadline .
One of the most important decisions a President will ever make is the decision to nominate a Justice to the United States Supreme Court .
Some of the meeting will be public-for example , the opening and the closing , when the name of the person nominated for the post will be announced .
He is a sure bet for the presidential nominations .
Mitt Romney , frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination , said he would make that designation on his " first day in office " .