
xuān pàn wú zuì
  • 熟语acquit;pronounce sb. not guilty
  1. 他被宣判无罪。

    He was acquitted of the crime .

  2. 11.acquitvt.宣告无罪他被宣判无罪。

    He was acquitted of a crime .

  3. 你们就不得不宣判无罪释放。

    And you will have no choice but to acquit .

  4. 我没办法只能宣判无罪了。

    I have no choice but to enter a finding of not guilty .

  5. 该歌星在2005年被圣玛利亚的陪审团宣判无罪。

    The singer was acquitted in2005 by a jury in Santa Maria , Calif.

  6. 其中7人被判处有罪,但是没有一个人在狱中待到了6年以上,而被认为是本案主使的基伦却被宣判无罪。

    Seven were convicted , but none served more than six years in prison .

  7. 在宣判无罪后,他带着微笑离开法庭

    After his acquittal he leave the court smiling

  8. 他在六月十八号早上也被宣判无罪。

    On June 18th he too was acquitted .

  9. 别把宣判无罪与清白无辜搞混了。

    Never confuse an acquittal with innocence .

  10. 你说过你父亲已经被宣判无罪了。

    You said your father was exonerated .

  11. 让陪审团意见分歧或者宣判无罪

    Hung jury or an acquittal .

  12. 陪审团宣判无罪。全球宣传录像带;

    The jury brought in a verdict of " not guilty . " a global advocacy video ;

  13. 现在你已被宣判无罪,你可以扬眉吐气了。

    Now you have been acquitted on all the charges , you can hold your head high .

  14. 该决定将确定诉讼程序是进入为期数周的进一步诉讼,还是直接宣判无罪。

    That decision is expected to send the proceedings to weeks of further action or directly to an acquittal .

  15. 如果有人被宣判无罪,那麽,它会建议我们做错误的东西摆在首位。

    If someone was acquitted , then it would suggest we did the wrong thing in the first place .

  16. 自从1995年辛普森谋杀案法庭允许现场直播,而当前足球运动员兼演员辛普森被宣判无罪后,观看直播的观众猛烈抨击司法公正体系。

    Los Angeles judges have been reluctant to allow cameras in court since the1995 acquittal of actor and former football star O.J.

  17. 尽管最后他被宣判无罪释放,但是无论他到哪里去开店,一系列的辩解都会笼罩他的左右。

    Although he has been acquitted of that charge , a string of abuse allegations have followed him wherever he sets up shop .

  18. 两个罪犯的名字都叫桑顿,并且这两个桑顿最后都被宣判无罪!

    The name of the man accused in both their crimes was Thornton , and both Thornton 's were eventually acquitted for their crimes !

  19. 中国很少有案件被宣判无罪,对于某些指控,人们普遍预计会被判成立,这包括针对胡士泰的指控。

    Few court cases in China end in acquittal , and guilty verdicts on some counts are widely anticipated , including against Mr. Hu .

  20. 据报道其他人是学生和积极分子,其中两人在周一被宣判无罪。这导致人们担忧埃及越来越严重的媒体限制。

    The others are reportedly students and activists , two of whom were acquitted in Monday 's verdict . It comes amid concerns over growing media restrictions in Egypt .

  21. 民主党人正在努力迫使参议院召集更多证人作证,但据报道,共和党人似乎致力于让这次审判宣判无罪。

    Democrats are pressing hard to force the Senate to call more witnesses to testify , but Republicans reportedly appear intently focused on bringing the trial to a vote of acquittal .

  22. 原告、被告或诉讼的案件不履行法律责任宣判被告无罪,这真是可耻的事.

    It is a scandal that the defendant was declared innocent .

  23. 你们对那个囚犯如何判决?''我们宣判他无罪。

    How do you find the prisoner ? ''we find him not guilty .

  24. 在美国,宣判你无罪并不代表你真的清白,只能说明你赢得了法庭辩论的胜利。

    Your remarks in the court were necessary auxiliaries to my brother 's acquittal .

  25. 2005年6月13号,法庭宣判迈克尔无罪。

    A jury found Michael not guilty of all charges on June 13 , 2005 .

  26. 罗斯林如何形容她对宣判波尔塔无罪这件事有多恶心?

    How does Roslin describe the depth of her disgust at Gaius Baltar 's acquittal ?

  27. 当判官宣判店小二无罪后,蜜蜂才飞走。

    Only when the judge called off the bartender 's death sentence did the swarms of bees fly away .

  28. 陪审团宣布裁决被告有罪。宣判被告无罪,这真是可耻的事。

    The jury returned a verdict of guilty . It is a scandal that the defendant was declared innocent .

  29. 关于第三项指控,过失杀害一名儿童,陪审团也发现你无罪。我将正式宣判你无罪。

    As to count three , aggravated manslaughter of a child , a jury of your peers have found you not guilty . I will adjudge you to be not guilty of that count .

  30. 杰克逊曾遭到娈童指控,尽管2005年法院宣判其无罪,但这仍有损于他的名誉。他原定下个月在伦敦启动50场复出表演。门票均已告罄,共计100万歌迷会到场观看。

    Tarnished by child abuse allegations in spite of a court acquittal in 2005 , he was due to start 50 sell-out shows in London next month , which would have seen him playing to a total of 1m fans .