
  • 网络mandala;dkyil-vkhor;Matrix-tazi;Bha-ga Mandala
  1. 这种境界即是坛城原理的精要。

    This sphere is the main essence of the mandala principle .

  2. 坛城的设计思想和表现形式&藏式建筑装饰艺术散论之三

    Design thoughts and expression forms of Mandala decoration art of Zang architecture

  3. “四个坛城”指的是不同类型的坛城。

    There are different types of Mandalas-which vary from cukture to culture .

  4. 立体坛城的精致不丹寺,住宿分新旧楼,没记错的话是300卢比和500卢比;

    Bhutan Monastery – exquisite mandala , offering rooms for300 or500 Rupees a day ;

  5. 方图表坛城,蓝、绿色表悲智双运。

    The two colors , blue and green , mean disinterested wisdom and compassion .

  6. 金刚萨垛是至高无上的,是金刚乘一切坛城之尊。

    Enclosed is the king of supreme pizza , it is all vajrayana of honour .

  7. 主题通常是坛城。

    The subject is usually'mandala ' .

  8. 还记得我的心也随着坛城的消逝在那一瞬间灰飞湮灭了。

    Remember how my heart was lost when that mandala vanished into sand dust in the air .

  9. 在藏密艺术中,坛城被视为是最神圣、最奥秘、最有特色的代表性宗教艺术。

    Tancheng is still regarded as the most sacred , mysterious and representative religious art with peculiar characteristics .

  10. 稍后,不同种类的坛城被发展,这其中下面四种是最普通的。

    Later on , different types of mandala were developed , of which the following four are the most common .

  11. 他还请我以中文手书:龙、爱及普贤王如来坛城法脉。

    He also asked for my calligraphy in Chinese on Dragon , Love and the Dharma Lineage of Adi Buddha Mandala .

  12. 其后第三是光芒,本尊和坛城透过光芒显现出无尽的型态与色彩了。

    And then , thirdly , through the rays manifest all the infinite forms and colors of the mandala of the divinity .

  13. 到最后,坛城中心的比例还是或多或少要有些失真,否则诸佛就无法安置其中。

    In the last case , proportions of the mandala are somewhat distorted in the center , otherwise the deities would not fit .

  14. 以下这张图例表现了一个简化的坛城平面图,如同沙画曼荼罗,但不含有任何佛像和装饰。

    The image below represents a simplified2D version of the complete mandala , as in the sand mandala , but not containing any deities or ornaments .

  15. 如此就与佛法相吻合,而且看起来就像是在保护环绕在其中间的药师佛坛城。

    Thus it is in accordance with the Dharma and seems to form a protection circle around the mandala of Medicine Guru Buddha in the center .

  16. 业力坛城,那里刻有、塑或浇铸神像给冥想者留下清晰印象,生命就像看见的这些神。

    The Karma Mandala , where carved , sculptureed or cast figures of the deities are set up to impress the meditators with the vivid , life-like sight of these deities .

  17. 《纸牌屋》第三季采用独特的象征主义手法,展示了佛教僧侣们如何呕心沥血用彩沙创作错综复杂、精美异常的坛城沙画,僧侣们在绘制完成之后便将这些精美的图案扫掉。

    In clever symbolism , the third season of House of Cards shows Buddhist monks painstakingly create an intricate and beautiful mosaic with colored powder , only to wipe away the whole display when they 're done .