
  1. 中国传统建筑文化的内容十分丰富,包括城市建设、宫殿、坛庙、陵墓、园林、民居等众多研究对象。

    Chinese traditional architectural culture is rich , including city construction , palaces , temples , tombs , gardens , residential and other subjects .

  2. 它集文物的历史、艺术、科学三大价值于一身,其科学技术的成分较之辉煌的宫殿、坛庙、寺观更为突出。

    It combines the value of the heritage history . Art and Science , whose scientific and technical components are more outstanding than splendid palaces , altars and temples .

  3. 红山文化坛、庙、冢与中国古代宗庙、陵寝的起源

    Hongshan Culture and the Origin of Chinese Ancient Ancestral Temple and Mausoleum

  4. 远古仪式的立中杆是远古建筑形式从空地到坛台到庙到宫的逻辑演进的核心。

    The establishment of a central pole in ancient rituals is the core of the logic evolvement of the form of ancient buildings from space to platform and from temple to palace .