
  • 网络self-taught student
  1. 面向自考生网络助学系统研究与设计

    Research and Design of Network Learning Assistant System for Self-taught Students

  2. 自考生是我国国民教育的不可忽视的重要组成部分。

    Self-taught students are important makeup in our national education .

  3. 高等教育自考生边缘化现象的审视与思考

    Pondering and Thinking About the Marginalization of Students of Self-study Examination

  4. 杭州自考生情绪管理与心理健康关系研究

    Relationship of self-taught examinees ' emotional management capacity and mental health

  5. 论高校自考生思想政治教育

    On Ideological Education of Self-taught Students in Institutions of Higher Learning

  6. 英语专业自考生英语语用能力与学习动机相关性研究

    SEMs ' Pragmatic Competence and Learning Motivation : A Correlation Analysis

  7. 我也是一名自考生,是的,没错。

    I am a learner of self-taught exam , yeah , right ;

  8. 目的探讨护理程序在高护自考生实习带教中的应用效果。

    Objective To probe the application effect of high nurse self taught examinee .

  9. 情感教学策略对自考生英语学习动机的影响

    The Effects of Affective Teaching Strategies on Self-taught Students ' English Learning Motivation

  10. 高校自考生的学习挫折成因及教育应对

    Causes of Learning Frustration of Self-taught Education Participants in Colleges and Universities and Educational Handling

  11. 三思维之于高校自考生素质教育的思考

    On the Quality Education of the Self-taught Examination Students in HELs With " Three Thoughts "

  12. 但全日制自考生又与普通大学生截然不同。

    However the full-time self-taught students are different in every way from the ordinary university students .

  13. 江西省民办高校自考生思想政治教育实效性研究

    The Effectiveness Study of Candidates ' Ideological and Political Education in Private Colleges in Jiangxi Province

  14. 湖南省自考生一般自我效能感、学业求助与学业成绩的关系研究

    The Research on the Relationship of General Self-efficacy , Academic Help-seeking and Academic Achievement of Self-study Students in Hunan Province

  15. 所以,设计帮助自考生进行有效学习的网络助学系统已迫在眉睫。

    Hence , it is necessary to design network learning assistant system so as to help students for efficient learning .

  16. 中南大学全日制自考生焦虑、抑郁情绪及其影响因素研究

    The Anxiety , Depression and the Analysis of Relevant Influence Factors for the Full-time Self-taught Students in Central South University

  17. 2自考生的时间管理倾向对成就动机具有显著的预测作用,表明时间管理倾向可能是影响其成就动机的一个重要因素;

    TMD is a good predictor for AM , which showed that TMD was an important factor that affected AM probably .

  18. 系统从自考生的个性特征入手,以先进的教学理论为指导,旨在服务自考生学习以及自考生与辅导教师之间、自考生之间的交互。

    This system starts from personal characters of self-taught students and holds on the goal which serves their learning and communications .

  19. 方法对南京市150名自考生用时间管理倾向量表和成就动机量表进行调查研究。

    Methods A total of 150 self-study examination students in Nanjing were investigated by Time Management Disposition Scale and Achievement Motivation Scale .

  20. 浅论心理咨询中大学生情绪管理能力的培养杭州自考生情绪管理与心理健康关系研究

    On Cultivating Emotional Management Ability of University Students in Psychological Consultation Relationship of self-taught examinees ' emotional management capacity and mental health

  21. 结论自考生时间管理倾向与成就动机之间存在显著相关。

    Conclusion There was significant correlation between time management disposition ( TMD ) and achievement motivation ( AM ) among self-study examination students .

  22. 关于当前高校自考生素质的思考自考生的依恋类型与社会支持关系的研究


  23. 正是由于它在学习中的重要作用和高校应用型专业自考生的学习动机现状迫切要求采取措施激励和培养学习动机。

    It is the studying motivation , together with the present situation of self-study students that requires as taking effective measures to stimulate and foster studying motivation .

  24. 为了使系统各项功能设计适用于自考生,本文对自考生这一群体的特点及其需求进行了深入地分析研究。

    This article takes deep analysis on the characteristic and need of self-taught populations for the purpose that it is suitable for them on each system function .

  25. 前测问卷显示:英语专业自考生在学习词汇的过程中运用到了许多策略,其中认知策略使用为数最多。

    The questionnaire shows that self-taught English majors utilize many learning strategies in their vocabulary learning , and the use frequency of cognitive strategies rank the highest .

  26. 由于受多种因素的影响,高校自考生在实现学习目标的过程中,极易产生学习挫折。

    Because of a variety of causes , the self-taught education participants in colleges and universities are very liable to meet learning frustration while they are fulfilling their study goals .

  27. 探讨自考生学习挫折产生的原因,采取适当的教育应对,提高他们抗挫折的能力,是高校自考教学工作的迫切要求。

    It is an imperious task for self-taught education teaching in colleges and universities to probe into the causes of learning frustration of the self-taught education participants and adopt the proper educational handling to improve their anti-setback ability .

  28. 研究选取了上海市190名自考生为被试,同时选取上海市124名统招本科生作为控制组,应用总体主观幸福感量表、生活质量量表、情感平衡度量表,对被试进行问卷调查。

    In the research , 190 self-study students in shanghai were chosen as subjects and 124 undergraduates in shanghai were chosen as control group in our questionnaire survey with subjective well-being scale , life quality scale and affection balance scale .

  29. 结果1自考生的时间管理倾向对追求成功动机存在着显著的相关(时间价值感除外),与避免失败动机亦存在显著的相关(时间效能感除外);

    Results ① Self-study examination students ' TMD has significantly correlation to their motivation success ( except the sense of time value ), and self-study examination students ' TMD has significantly correlation to the motivation failure ( except the sense of time efficacy ) .

  30. 另外,英语专业自考生的英语语用能力也存在一些明显缺陷,如缺乏语用知识,语用意识不足,等等。鉴于这些情况,英语专业自考生的英语语用能力和学习动机的相关性是值得研究的。

    In addition , SEMs ' pragmatic competence also exist some deficiencies , such as the lack of pragmatic knowledge and the scarcity of pragmatic awareness , etc. Considering these facts , the correlation between SEMs ' pragmatic competence and learning motivation deserves investigating .