
  • 网络Confessional Poetry
  1. 罗伯特·洛厄尔作为一位杰出的后现代派诗人是自白派诗歌的创始人。

    Robert Lowell , the famous postmodern poet , was the founder of Confessional poetry .

  2. 自白派诗歌是第二次世界大战以后五、六十年代美国风行的许多诗歌风格流派之一。

    Confessional poetry is one of the poetic styles that were flourishing in America in 50s and 60s after World War n.

  3. 西尔维娅·普拉斯(1932-1963)是美国著名的自白派作家。

    Sylvia Plath ( 1932-1963 ) is a famous American confessional writer .

  4. 从《生活研究》看罗伯特·洛厄尔的自白派诗歌风格

    On Robert Lowell 's Confessional Poetic Style Through Life Studies

  5. 试论美国自白派诗人安妮·塞克斯顿

    On American Confessional Poet Anne Sexton

  6. 安妮·塞克斯顿是继西尔维亚·普拉斯之后第二位自杀的自白派诗人。

    As a confessional poet , Anne Sexton followed Sylvia Plath 's example and ultimately committed suicide .

  7. 自白派诗人大都患有或轻或重的精神疾病,都有在精神病院治疗的经历,并公开描写过这些经历。

    Most of confessional poets were suffering from mental illness . They endured hospitalization , therapy , and electric shock treatment .

  8. 《钟罩》虽然是美国自白派著名女诗人西尔维亚·普拉斯的自传体小说,但相当充分地反映了社会生活的本质。

    The Bell Jar , an autobiographic novel written by Sylvia Plath , gives a sufficient expression to the essence of social life .

  9. 本文从自然与自我、他人与自我、身体与自我三个层面,分析了自白派诗人西尔维亚.普拉斯自白诗中所体现出的强烈的自我意识是如何确立的。

    This article analyses how the strong self-consciousness in Sylvia Plath 's confessional poems is established from three perspectives : nature and self , other and self , body and self .

  10. 在她的诗歌中,一切都徐缓庄重。她认为20世纪中期风行一时的自白派诗歌大部分非常可疑。

    Nothing came quickly or easily . She saw the confessional poetry that bloomed into vogue in the middle of the 20th century as a dubious pursuit , for the most part .

  11. 自白派诗人为了更直接、更真挚地传达他们的经验,尽量避免使用对自我有模糊、遮掩作用的现代主义技巧,如悖论、含混、引喻、巧智和张力。

    In order to convey their experiences in a more direct and sincere way , confessional poets try every means to avoid using impersonal modernist skills , such as paradox , ambiguity , allusion , wit and tension .