
  1. 清代文论视野中的情景论,主要在三个维面上展开:一是对情景交融的探讨;

    The feeling and setting criticism of literary theoretical eyesight in the Qing Dynasty mainly expand in three aspects : the conferring to feeling and setting happily blended ;

  2. 清代文论对格范畴的阐说,为我们今天更好地把握格审美范畴提供了平台。

    The illustration of the category of " Ge " of the literary theory in the Qing Dynasty provides a platform for us to master the aesthetic category of " Ge " .

  3. 清代满族文论及其时代文化特征

    The Manchu Culture in the Qing Dynasty and its Cultural Characteristics of the Times

  4. 在此基础上,试图探讨清代广西桐城文派的自发创作。

    On the basis of this , I try to probe into the spontaneous creation of " TongCheng Schools of Literature " in GuangXi .

  5. 而在对中国自唐代至清代的律文分析中,用历史研究的方法,结合各时代的社会背景及制度特征对中国传统亲告罪范围规定的特点进行总结。

    While in Chinese related legal provisions analysis , this part used the methods of historical research method to combine with the social background and summarized the system characteristics of the Chinese traditional crimes to be handled only upon complaint .

  6. 清代蒙古族汉文文论中,除了法式善的《梧门诗话》等文学理论巨著以外,蒙古族汉文文论家用汉文撰写了大量的序跋文。

    Except for Fa Shishan 's Wu Men Shi Hua , Mongolian Chinese Literary Commentators Written a lot of Preface and Postscript .

  7. 从文字定义入手,确认了“达斡尔文”的性质,得出清代“达斡尔文”是一种借源文字的结论。

    The paper starts from the meaning of scripts , confirms the property of Daur character and concludes that the Daur character is a borrowing origin character .