首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 我们有传家宝有祖坟还有盔饰

    We have monuments and vaults and crests and all ...

  2. 但也有传来一些不好的消息。

    But theres also some bad news .

  3. 他们不知道约瑟听得懂,因为在他们中间有传译的人。

    And they did not know that Joseph understood , for there was an interpreter between them .

  4. 由于二次膜压力盒具有两个承压膜和充有传力液的腔室,因而二次膜压力盒存在着传力损耗。

    Since two membranes and a hydraulic cavity are introduced , the pressure cell with secondary membrane has a transitive loss .

  5. 而历史上一直有传这对夫妇让罗马人皈依基督教后被罗马皇帝杀害。

    Legend has it that the Roman empire had the husband and wife killed after they converted Romans to the early religion .

  6. 自打一开始就有传戴安娜与女王的女儿安妮公主不和,这也一直持续到1996年她与王子离婚之后。

    From the beginning , Diana reportedly had a frosty relationship with the Queen Mother 's daughter Queen Elizabeth II , which continued after her divorce from Charles in1996 .

  7. 私人投资者的风险增加,这也是即使有传欧洲中央银行持续买入意大利债务的情况下,该国债券收益率仍然上升的原因之一。

    This higher risk for private investors may be one reason why Italian bond yields have been rising , even though the European Central Bank has reportedly been buying Italian debt .

  8. 形成对比地是,较不快乐的人更倾向于防御、孤立、自我沉醉,而且不幸地是,他们消极的情绪有传给别人的能力(术语:情绪传染)。

    By contrast , less-happy people are more apt to be defensive , isolated , and self-absorbed , and unfortunately , their negative moods are catching ( technical name : emotional contagion ) .

  9. 刚有消息传来。

    A message is just coming through .

  10. fax传真(传真机)使用报告查一下使用报告看看这份传真有没有传过去

    activity report Check the activity report to see if the fax went through .

  11. 事实上,读高中的时候就有人传我跟我最好的朋友凯蒂(Katie)是一对。

    The gay rumors for me actually started in high school with my best friend Kate .

  12. 1969年毕业后,伯格去了夏威夷,打算在冲浪中度过整个假期。这时有消息传来,那家经纪公司(ICM的前身)为他提供了一份全职工作。

    After graduating in 1969 and going to Hawaii for a surfing holiday , word reached him that the agency , a predecessor of ICM , was offering him a full-time job .

  13. 有消息传来说中国女队击败了日本队。

    Word came that our Chinese women team had beaten Japanese .

  14. 上主有话传给耶肋米亚说。

    The word that came to Jeremias from the Lord , saying .

  15. 有消息传来,该国南部遭到入侵。

    News arrived of an invasion in the south of the country .

  16. 有消息传来,中国已经加入世界贸易组织了。

    Word came that China has already joined the world trade organization .

  17. 最后,有消息传来说史蒂夫会出席活动。

    Finally , word came that Steve would show .

  18. 有消息传来,他要来检阅部队。

    News came that he would inspect the army .

  19. 内部有页面传值,连接数据库。-。

    Value internal pages , connect to the database .

  20. 问她手机内可有曾传绯闻的汪小菲电话及照片?

    Asked her phone may have been rumored Wang Fei phone and photos ?

  21. 有消息传来说昨天英语考试琳达获得第一名。

    Word came that Linda won the first prise in the English test yesterday .

  22. 欧洲飞机制造商空客在航展的第一天就有喜讯传来。

    Also on the first day , European planemaker Airbus got some good news .

  23. 很快就有消息传来说人们会失业。

    The news soon got round that people were going to lose their jobs .

  24. 我还保留有爸爸传给我的那些衣服。

    I can still retain those clothes which my father handed down to me .

  25. 早在一世纪,犹大书就论述这事,现代仍有人传假福音。

    Jude wrote of it in the first century , some preach such a false gospel today .

  26. 间壁是间录音室,经常会有歌声传来。

    The next room is a recording room , which often gives off the sound of singing .

  27. 那时传令的大声呼叫说,各方,各国,各族(原文作舌下同)的人哪,有令传与你们

    Then an herald cried aloud , To you it is commanded , O people , nations , and languages

  28. 后来有人传出来,原来那块肉,是一个人用恰似骨头的木棍串着狗比做成的。

    Then somebody said that it was not meat but a wood stick with dog 's meat made by a person .

  29. 回答:只有标有“对氧传无害”的汽油添加剂和喷油嘴清洗剂才应该使用在装配有氧传的汽车上。

    Fuel additives and injector cleaners that are labeled as " oxygen sensor safe " may be used in sensor equipped vehicles .

  30. 调查进行到一半时,又有消息传来,另一名游客在漂流时坠入科罗拉多河。

    It came amid a search for another tourist who reportedly fell from a ledge into the Colorado River during a rafting trip .