
  • 网络language boundary
  1. 在他看来,传统本质主义美学对美的本质等的追问和界定,是冲撞语言界限的结果,是错误的行为。

    To him , the questioning and definition of the essence of beauty was a wrong behavior .

  2. 这个童话及其他类似的故事超越了文化和语言的界限。

    This fairy tale and other such stories transcend culture and language .

  3. 卡通创作者不二雄1996年逝世,但是他的遗孀藤本正子称,多拉A梦超越了文化、语言的界限,使他受到全世界孩子的喜爱。

    Cartoon creator Fujio passed away in 1996 , but his widow Masako Fujimoto said Doraemon transcends culture and language making him popular with children worldwide .

  4. 因此他就采取哄和劝的方法;他从来都不超越使用语言的界限,也没有再想到拥抱抚摸,他只是想尽量用言辞去打动她。

    So he played a more coaxing game ; and while never going beyond words , or attempting the renewal of caresses , he did his utmost orally .

  5. 嘻哈文化发展如此蓬勃,以至于超越了国家和语言的界限,传播到世界各地,也走进了德国馆。

    The hip-hop culture is so vigorous that it has gone beyond the national and language barriers , spreading around the world and coming into the Germany Pavilion .

  6. 可以看出,随着可用的Garnet越来越多之后,Ruby和C语言之间的界限会变得模糊,原有的界限将在今后发生改变。

    As can be seen , the borders between Ruby and C code are fuzzy and are going to shift in the future , as more of Garnet becomes available .

  7. 运用讯问语言的法律界限探析

    Probe into the Legal Limits of Using Interrogation Language

  8. 艾青《诗的散文美》一文的理论缺失主要在于其抹杀了诗与散文语言形式的界限。

    The main theoretic defect of AI qing 's " the prosaic beauty of poetry " is that it slurs the boundary between the linguistic form of poetry and that of prose .

  9. 缩略语的使用存在一个语言环境的界限,相同语音及词汇形式的缩略语在不同的语言环境中可能会存在完全不同的意义。

    The use of abbreviations boundaries of a language environment , the same voice and vocabulary in the form of abbreviations in different languages , there may be a completely different meaning .

  10. 丽莉是谁,她又是怎么超越国家、语言和年龄的界限而成为每个士兵的心上人的呢?

    Who was Lilli and how did she transcend borders languages and generations to become every soldier 's sweetheart ?

  11. 志愿服务建立在团结和互信的价值之上,超越所有文化、语言和地理的界限。

    Founded on the values of solidarity and mutual trust , volunteerism transcends all cultural , linguistic and geographic boundaries .

  12. 时政新闻翻译跨越了语言和文化的界限,具备时政新闻和翻译的双重特点。

    Chinese version of English political news has both characteristics of political news and translation , which crosses the barriers of language and culture .

  13. 美国新一代分析哲学家已经突破了传统分析哲学所设定的意识的哲学和语言的哲学的界限,并试图与欧洲大陆哲学进行积极的对话。

    A new generation of American analytic philosophers have already broken through the limit of philosophy of mind and philosophy of language that was established by traditional analytic philosophy . They attempt to carry on the positive dialogue with Continental philosophy .

  14. 可接受的语言和不可接受的语言之间的界限一直在变。

    The boundaries between acceptable and unacceptable language are shifting all the time .