
  • 网络Chinese Comparative Literature;Comparative literature in China
  1. 中国比较文学学科的全球本土化历程及其走向

    A Globalized Orientation of Comparative Literature in China

  2. 中国比较文学现况分析

    The current situation and analysis of the influence study of comparative literature in China

  3. 跨文化诗学是中国比较文学的形态特征

    " Cross-Cultural Poetics " as Morphological Representative of Chinese Comparative Literature

  4. 中国比较文学百年史整体观

    A General Survey of Hundred Years ' Development of Chinese Comparative Literature

  5. 当代中国比较文学发展中的几个问题

    Several Problems in the Comparative Literature Research in Contemporary China

  6. 从八篇序言管窥季羡林与中国比较文学

    Ji Xianlin and Chinese Comparative Literature From 8 Prefaces

  7. 中国比较文学研究的100年

    The 100 years of comparative literature studies in China

  8. 比较文学危机论与中国比较文学学科理论体系建构

    " Comparative Literature Crisis " and Disciplinary Theory System Construction of China Comparative Literature

  9. 中国比较文学的最新走向

    New Trends in Chinese Comparative Literary Studies

  10. 中国比较文学定义说

    On definition of the Chinese comparative literature

  11. 新辩证观念:中国比较文学与多元文化对话

    ( 15 ) New Dialectical Conceptions : A Discourse Between Chinese Comparative Literature and Plural Cultures

  12. 本届年会由中国比较文学学会主办,复旦大学、上海师范大学和上海市比较文学学会一同承办。

    The congress is hosted by CCLA , and undertaken by Fudan University , Shanghai Normal University and ShHCLA .

  13. 中国比较文学工作者该如何看待当前西方比较文学界的泛文化研究趋势?

    What standpoint should Chinese comparatist take towards the pan cultural trends in western comparative literature studies in recent years ?

  14. 中国比较文学20年,也为定义问题困惑不已。

    And Chinese scholars have never agreed upon the definition of comparative literature since its first introduction some 20 years ago .

  15. 双向融摄:跨文化研究与中国比较文学&中国比较文学研究的最新学术动向

    Two way Syncretism : Cross cultural Approach and Comparative Literature Study in china & Academic trend in the research of Chinese comparative literature

  16. 在中国比较文学的跨文化研究中,应该从中外文化的视角促进比较文学的发展。

    In the cross-cultural studies of chinese comparative literature , the comparative literature studies should be improved from the view of Chinese and foreign cultures .

  17. 中国比较文学是立足于本土文学发展的内在需要,在全球交往的语境下形成的具有中国特色的一门科学。

    Chinese comparative literature is a characteristic phenomenon of Chinese humanities out of the internal need of vernacular literature in the context of global communication .

  18. 探讨方平的语际书写尤其是比较文学平行研究上的实践和追求对中国比较文学的发展所做出的贡献。

    It aims to explore the contribution of Ping Fang 's interlingual writing especially his comparative studies to the development of comparative literature in China .

  19. 只有通过理论体系的建构,中国比较文学才可能真正走向世界,才能有真正的中国学派。

    Only by the construction does China comparative literature have the possibility to establish " China School " and to be accepted by other countries .

  20. 我如何写作《中国比较文学研究二十年》&兼论学术史研究的原则与方法

    How I wrote Two Decades of Research on the Chinese Comparative Literatures : Another Word on the Principle and Methodology of Studying of the Academic History

  21. 这样的深刻变化和新形势,为中国比较文学的发展提供了崭新的前景。

    As a result , a new vista for the development of Chinese comparative literature studies is likely to come into view for the following reasons .

  22. 中国比较文学已经站在对话和沟通的前列,赋予它生命的是一个时代,而不是什么“派”。

    Being in the forefront of the dialogue and communication , Chinese Comparative Literature shoulders heavy responsibilities of an age not just some " schools " .

  23. 作为中国比较文学开拓者的钱钟书,在理论和实践两个方面都为文学研究的现代转型提供了有益启示。

    Ch'ien Chung-shu , the pioneer of Comparative literature in China , has in theory and practice provided us with invaluable instructions on modern transformation in literary studies .

  24. 18世纪中法文学相互影响的研究长期以来已成为中国比较文学研究的一个主要课题。

    The impact of Chinese literature on French literature in the 18th century is the main topic that has long been studied in the field of Chinese comparative literature .

  25. 21世纪中国比较文学理论进入了体系建构的阶段,这是20年来中国比较文学理论发展的必然结果。

    The 21 century sees the disciplinary theory system construction of China comparative literature , which is the inevitable outcome of China 's comparative literature theory development of the last 20 years .

  26. 在二十一世纪的今天,如何突破这一中外的研究瓶颈,将中国比较文学研究引向更加深入的跨东西异质文化的领域,就成为一种学术上的当务之急。

    In the 21st century , how to break through this bottleneck of Sino-West mode and further Chinese comparative literature to the trans-heterogeneous cultural one in depth is a pressing academic task .

  27. 中日古典文学的比较研究是20世纪80~90年代的20年间中国比较文学研究及中外文学关系研究中最活跃、成就最突出的领域。

    The comparative study of classical Chinese and Japanese literature has been one of the most active and fruitful fields for China 's comparative literature pursuits and Chinese-foreign literary relationship studies in the last two decades .

  28. 在当代文化多元论与文化一体论并存的状况下,中国比较文学应在不同民族文学和文化的比较研究中建立新的辩证观念。

    Given the coexistence of the contemporary theories of plural cultures and an integrated culture , Chinese comparative research on literature should create new dialectical conceptions by means of a comparative study of different national literatures and cultures .

  29. 目前中国比较文学的任务不是在条件尚不成熟的情况下急于创立学派,而是要正确处理好前沿发展、分支衍生和基础学理建设之间的关系。

    The current task of Chinese comparative literature is not to establish an academic school when the conditions are not matured , but to cope correctly with the relationship between frontier development , branch derivation and basic theory construction .

  30. 社会兼职:省比较文学学会副会长、全国马列文艺论著研究会理事、全国外国文学教学研究会理事、中国比较文学学会会员。

    Professional affiliations : deputy head , Fujian comparative literature association ; council member , China Society of the study for Marxist-Leninist works on literature and arts ; council member , China Society of foreign literature teaching ; member , China Comparative Literature association .