
  1. 中国新文学史的另一视域:编辑出版

    Another Perspective of the Chinese New literature History : Edition and Publication

  2. 周作人是中国新文学史上一位重要的理论家。

    Zhou Zuo-ren is an important theo (?) in the history of Chinese literature .

  3. 郁达夫的创作风格在中国新文学史上独具特色。

    Yu Dafu 's creative style is very unique in the history of the Chinese literature .

  4. 正是对外国文学的翻译介绍才有力地推进了中国新文学史的重写。

    It is the translation of foreign literature into Chinese that pushed forward the rewriting of new Chinese literary history .

  5. 马克思主义与中国新文学史的建构&以《〈中国新文学史〉教学大纲》为例

    Marxism in the Construction of History of Chinese New Literature & A Case Study of the Syllabus of A History of Chinese New Literature

  6. 说不尽的阿Q,正是中国新文学史上最迷人的一道风景线,也是现当代文学研究中最有魅力的课题之一。

    That AQ is tmable to been elucidatednderly is an attractive scene of Chinese New Literamre History and is one ofthe most channing item in contemporary literature study .

  7. 20年中国新文学史研究突出重围后出现欣欣向荣的学术景观,但我并未完全走出突围后的种种困惑,这主要体现在建构何种科学理论框架和最佳文学史格局上。

    Though the 20-year study of Chinese new literature history is booming after its breakthrough , I was still in deep confusion of the frame of the scientific theory and the best literary history pattern .

  8. 在中国新文学史上,真正固守着农民的文化价值观,创作从其终极意义上说是为农民而写作的作家,唯有赵树理一个。

    In the new literature history of China , Zhao Shu-li is the only writer who keeps to the farmers ' culture values really , and whose creation is just for the farmers from the ultimate signification .

  9. 他率先用白话进行文学创作,创作了中国新文学史上第一部白话诗集《尝试集》,首次用白话写作了独幕剧《终身大事》,确立了现代话剧的新形式。

    He took the lead in conducting literary creation with vernacular Chinese and produced Attempts , the first vernacular poetry collection in the history of new literature in China . He was the first to write in vernacular Chinese a one-act play An Important Event in One 's Life , which radicated the new form of modern drama .

  10. 考察百年来中国新文学发展史,新时期文学对人与自然关系的反思,接受了新的思想文化资源和审美资源,在审美意识、审美原则上都发生了新的变化。

    Reviewing the one-hundred-year long history of Chinese literature of new age we find that when it reflects on the relationship between human and nature it exploits the resources of new culture and aesthetics , which results in its conversion regarding aesthetic consciousness and aesthetic principle .

  11. 打通·整合·重写·创新&评《20世纪中国文学通史》兼论中国新文学史的“重写”

    On A General History of Chinese Literature in the 20th Century and the " Rewriting " of A New History of Chinese Literature