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  1. 此外,可变剪接基因中以G或C结尾的密码子比普通剪接基因出现的频率高。密码子使用的差异可能是由可变剪接基因premRNA特有的结构特征和多种剪接模式决定的。

    G - or C-ending codons were more abundant in alternatively spliced genes than commonly spliced genes in human chromosome 1 . The causation of differences created could be explained by pre-mRNA structural characteristics of alternatively spliced genes influencing their codon usage bias .

  2. 那男孩与那个子比他大一倍的人拼命搏斗。

    The boy struggled furiously with the man twice his size .

  3. 我们推断租房子比买房子便宜。

    We reasoned that it was cheaper to rent than to buy a house .

  4. 然而,在太阳的风暴期,太阳所释放出的微粒子比正常情况下多很多。

    However , during solar storms , the sun releases more particles than normal .

  5. Ta-B-S/TPk的第5个内含子比Ta-D-S/TPk和Hv-S/TPK要长。

    The fifth intron in Ta-B-S / TPK is longer than that of Ta-D-S / TPK and Hv-S / TPK .

  6. 父生子,不等于说,子比父有更少的上帝的本质;子比父有更少的上帝的属性。

    Eternal generation does not make the Son have less divine substance , or less attributes , than the Father .

  7. 总体来讲,夜猫子比早起者更少吃健康食物,还会摄入更多卡路里。

    As a group , " night owl " types tend to eat less healthy food and take in more calories overall than early risers .

  8. 结果表明,获得的强启动子比原来的提高了3~8倍,而弱启动子则活性下降明显,其中3个几乎无活性。

    Results showed that the activity of strong promoters had been improved 3 ~ 8 fold while one weak promoter had been decreased 3 fold and three weak promoters showed almost no activity .

  9. Nd3+、Ho3+、Er3+等离子的配合物有超灵敏跃迁,其振子强度比自由离子高2~5倍。

    The oscillator strength of the chelates are 2 to 5 times higher than that of free ions .

  10. 结果表明,家蚕vasa基因包含有13个外显子,比果蝇vasa基因的外显子数量(7个)增加了6个,在第3内含子有1个转座子插入;

    Results showed that there are 13 exons in the silkworm vasa gene , six more than that of Drosophila vasa gene . A transposable element locates in the third intron .

  11. 光线示波器振动子阻尼比确定方法的研究

    Determination of Damping Ratio of Oscillograph Vibrator

  12. 研究人员揭示,夜猫子一般比早起的人更聪明,也更富有。

    They have revealed that night owls are generally brighter and wealthier than those able to get up early in the morning .

  13. 底特律帮的老头子,比在座的任何人对考利昂都要友好一些。如今也反驳起他的朋友来了。

    The Don of Detroit , more friendly to Corleone than any of the others , also now spoke against his friend 's position , in the interest of reasonableness .

  14. 因为你们走遍洋海陆地,勾引一个人入教。既入了教,却使他作地狱之子,比你们还加倍。

    Woe unto you , scribes and Pharisees , hypocrites ! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte , and when he is made , ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves .

  15. 这说明MonteCarlo方法可用来模拟γ射线散射Mossbauer谱。而且可以根据子谱面积比给出薄膜厚度的信息。

    This means that the Monte Carlo method can be used to simulate the GSMS and to obtain the information of the thickness of the layer by comparing the areas of sub-spectra .

  16. 雌二醇对动物子代性比的影响

    The Effect of Estradiol on sex-Ratio of Progenies of Female Animal

  17. 老头子,女人比男人更能顺应变化。

    Well , Pa , a woman can change better'n a man .

  18. 任何一个母亲看护自己的独生子也不能比埃德加照料她更为尽心。

    No mother could have nursed an only child more devotedly than Edgar tended her .

  19. 赤眼蜂寄生行为研究(Ⅱ)&雌蜂交配行为与子代性比

    Study of parasitic behavior of trichogramma (ⅱ) affect of mating behavior on sex ratio of progeny

  20. 对亲本受孕时生理状态与子代性比关系的某些理论的检验

    Testing on some theories in relation of physiological conditions of parents at conception and the sex ratio of progeny

  21. 母兔配种后10小时血清中若干生理指标与子代性比的相关

    Correlation between offspring sex ratio and some physiological indexes of the female rabbit serum at 10 hours after mating

  22. 由于密码子的数目比氨基酸要多,因此许多氨基酸都可被几个密码子编码。

    But , with more codons than amino acids , many amino acids have more than one codon to describe them .

  23. 此外,算法的稳定界限不受频率比和数值子结构阻尼比的影响。

    In addition , the stability limit is not influenced by the frequency ratio of the ES to the NS and the damping ratio of the NS .

  24. μ子荷电比在5&100GeV/c动量范围几乎是常数,其值为1.30±0.06。

    The charge ratio of the muon is almost constant in the range ( 5 & 100 ) GeV / c. The average value is 1.30 + 0.06 .

  25. 节点按照地址从左到右排列(地址向右增加),按照长度从上到下排列(因此子节点不会比其父节点大)。

    The nodes are arranged left-to-right by address ( increasing address to the right ) and top-to-bottom by length ( such that no child is larger than its parent ) .

  26. 为了研究镉对小鼠生殖力和生精细胞的作用,本文对氯化镉处理后的雄性小鼠进行了交配实验,以观察其对怀孕率、每窝产仔数及子代性比的影响。

    Male mice treated by cadmium chloride were mated with normal female mice in order to study the changes of pregnant rate , average litter size and sex ratio of progenies .

  27. 与此相反,晚上11点到凌晨3点才睡觉的“夜猫子”会比早起者消耗更多咖啡、酒精、精制糖和加工肉。

    In contrast , " night owls " who go to bed between 11 p. m. and 3 a. m. tend to consume more coffee , alcohol , refined sugars , and processed meats than early risers .

  28. 对理事会来说,在新市场中成立子公司可能比成立分行更难决定,因为这牵涉到成立法人公司与承担个人债务。

    The decision to set up a subsidiary in a new market ( as opposed to just opening a branch ) may be a harder one for boards , since it involves legal incorporation and taking on personal liabilities .

  29. 自适应频域功率分配算法将深衰落子载波信道转换成等效AWGN信道,从而增强了自适应天线阵分集获得的子载波信噪比。

    The proposed adaptive frequency-domain power allocation based based MIMO / OFDM enhances the SNR on each sub-carrier by converting the deep faded sub-channels to AWGN-like sub-carriers .

  30. 简单分离分析显示PCOS在子代的分离比为0.3023,综合分离分析显示其符合共显性完全外显有散发遗传模型,纯合致病基因率频为0.046。

    The simple segregation analysis indicated that the segregation ratio of PCOS trait in siblings was 0.3023 , the complex segregation analysis indicated that it fitted in with the inheritance model of co dominant disorder with full penetrance and sporadic cases .