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  1. 子将奚先?

    Which would you place first ?

  2. 利用PCR分别扩增MG7单抗的重链及轻链可变区基因,并通过&DNA连接子将二者连接起来形成MG7单链抗体基因;

    The variable fragments of heavy and light chain were separately amplified and assembled into ScFvs with a specially constructed DNA linker by PCR .

  3. 这个振子将获得能量。

    This oscillator will pick up energy .

  4. 其子将被允许从牢中释放参加母亲的葬礼。

    Fawcett 's son will be allowed out of jail in order to attend that service .

  5. 乌呼鲁·肯雅塔,这位肯尼亚首任总统之子将成为最年轻的总统。

    Uhuru Kenyatta , the son of Kenya 's first president is set to become its youngest president .

  6. 编码区的第1个内含子将信号肽分开,第2个内含子将成熟肽分开。

    Th e first intron separates the signal peptide and the second intron separates the mature peptide in the coding region .

  7. 引起(精子)获得能育力。这个振子将获得能量。

    Cause ( spermatozoa ) to undergo the physical changes necessary to fertilize an egg . This oscillator will pick up energy .

  8. 从来没有人看见神。只有在父怀里的独生子将他表明出来。

    No man has seen God at any time ; the only son , who is on the breast of the father , he has made clear what God is .

  9. 新型断裂蛋白质内含子将在蛋白质工程、蛋白质药物开发和蛋白质结构与功能研究等方面有非常广泛的应用。

    Understanding the mechanism of split-intein splicing pathway has led to the development of many applications in the fields of protein engineering , development of protein drugs and research of protein structure and function .

  10. 第二位说:“谁去要求讲呢?”另一位回答:“伟大的精神之子将请求讲述米拉热巴的故事。”此时,她们微笑着看着热穹。

    A second said ," Who will ask for it ?" Another answered ," The great spiritual sons will ask for it . " At the same time , their eyes were smiling at Rechung .

  11. 而对于考虑爬坡约束的机组组合问题,通过增加与爬坡约束对应的拉格朗日乘子将爬坡约束直接松弛进行求解,并通过算例验证了算法的可行性。

    The improved Lagrangian relaxation approach can also be used to solve the ramp constrained unit commitment . It is solved by a directly relaxation of the ramp constraint via adding Lagrange multipliers corresponding to the ramp constraints .

  12. 此类的子类将覆盖load()方法把数据添加到items表中。

    Descendants of this class override the load () method to add data to the items table .

  13. “Part”元素类型的子元素将成为SEI方法参数

    Child Elements of " Part " Element Type will be SEI Method parameter

  14. 此外,每个报告代理的子条目将显示Linux操作系统统计数据。

    In addition , sub-entries for each reporting agent will show Linux operating system statistics .

  15. 如果至少已输入了一个字符,则在按下Enter键后,子例程将退出。

    When the Enter key is pressed , the subroutine exits if at least one character has been entered .

  16. Windows的I/O子系统将用户应用程序和设备驱动程序联系起来,并定义基础结构支持设备驱动程序。

    In Windows , the I / O subsystem connects user applications with device drivers and defines the infrastructure to support device drivers .

  17. 我们建议通过开发可插入Desktop策略表单中的独立子表单将定制目录的影响减至最小。

    We recommend minimizing the impact of customizing the directory by developing a separate subform that you can insert into the Desktop policy form .

  18. 如果卸载了CD-ROM,原始文件和子目录将再次可见。

    If the CD-ROM is unmounted , then the original files and subdirectories become visible again .

  19. 尽管通常运行子Shell将聚合的输出通过管道传递给单个命令,但您还可以使用子Shell对命令进行扩展,就像反勾号那样。

    While it 's common to run a subshell to pipe aggregated output to a single command , you can also use a subshell to expand a command in place , just like back ticks .

  20. 使用Mail::POP3Client,该子例程将从GmailPOP收件箱下载所有新消息。

    Using the Mail : : POP3Client , this subroutine will download all new messages from the Gmail POP in-box .

  21. 在您挂载CD-ROM时,CD-ROM上的文件和子目录将成为/media/cdrom下的文件和子目录。

    When you mount the CD-ROM , the files and subdirectories on the CD-ROM become the files and subdirectories in and below / media / cdrom .

  22. 首先定义生产任务信息的XML模式,然后各子系统将要共享的数据依据其XML模式转换成XML文档,发布到WEBService服务器上。

    Firstly , it defines XML schema of the informations of production task . Secondly , each subsystem will share the data according to their XML schema , then change into an XML document . Lastly , it will post to the Web Service server .

  23. 然后通过PCR的方法分别扩增IDH1基因和IDH2基因的第4号外显子,将PCR产物纯化后测序。

    The 4th exon of IDH1 and IDH2 were amplified using polymerase chain reaction method and the DNA sequencing of purified products was applied .

  24. 声明局部变量后,子例程将遍历每个指定查询词,搜索name或jobresponsibilities散列中的变音位匹配。

    After the local variable declaration , the subroutine will make a pass through every query word specified searching for a metaphone match in the name or jobresponsibilities hashes .

  25. showlocks:这个子选项将锁名称扩展成有意义的解释。

    Showlocks : This suboption expands the lockname into meaningful explanations .

  26. 通过设置errexit,子外壳将直接在第一个命令停止时终止。

    By setting errexit , the subshell immediately terminates when the first command stops .

  27. 然后采用Lagrange乘子法将有约束的极小值问题转化为无约束的极小值问题进行求解,得到PHEV的全局优化控制策略。

    Then , the constrained minimum problem is transformed into an unconstrained minimum one , which is solved by using the Lagrange multiplier method , with a global optimization control strategy being obtained .

  28. ActivityLocationAssociation关联是另一个兄弟,它使用带有s:ref属性的子元素将两个对象链接在一起。

    The association , j : ActivityLocationAssociation , is another sibling that links the two objects using child elements with s : ref attributes .

  29. 在戛纳接受时报采访时,杰莱斯说,他希望突破大屠杀电影的传统,尤其是史蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格(StevenSpielberg)过于多情善感的《辛德勒的名单》(Schindler’sList)。《索尔之子》将于周五在美国上映。

    In an interview at Cannes , Mr. Nemes told The Times that he wanted to move beyond the traditional conventions of Holocaust films , and in particular what he sees as the overly sentimental vision of Steven Spielberg 's " Schindler 's List . " " Son of Saul " will be released in the United States on Friday .

  30. 这些子目录将获取概要文件实例的全部内容。

    These subdirectories capture the entire contents of the profile instance .