
zǐ dàn
  • bullet;cartridge;ammunition;slug
子弹 [zǐ dàn]
  • [cartridge;bullet] 步枪、滑膛枪或手枪发射的圆柱形弹(如用铅制、钢制或铅芯钢壳制)

子弹[zǐ dàn]
  1. 子弹自动排出。

    The cartridge is ejected automatically .

  2. 这支来复枪只能装一发子弹。

    This rifle only holds one cartridge .

  3. 子弹从她背部穿胸而过。

    The bullet entered her back and exited through her chest .

  4. 我听到子弹砰的一声击中了木头。

    I heard the whack of the bullet hitting the wood .

  5. 警察朝人群头顶上方射出一排子弹。

    Police fired a volley over the heads of the crowd .

  6. 他被刺客的子弹击中身亡。

    He was cut down by an assassin 's bullet .

  7. 子弹几乎擦着她的身体飞过。

    The bullet missed her by a matter of inches .

  8. 子弹从她身边飞过,离她大约只有六英寸。

    The bullet missed her by about six inches .

  9. 有一颗子弹嵌在了他的胸部。

    One of the bullets lodged in his chest .

  10. 子弹从附近的一面墙上弹飞了。

    The bullet ricocheted off a nearby wall .

  11. 子弹射进了墙里。

    The bullet embedded itself in the wall .

  12. 这只是一支玩具枪——不能射真子弹。

    This is just a toy gun ─ it doesn 't shoot real bullets .

  13. 子弹击中了他的胸部。

    The bullet hit him in the chest .

  14. 子弹嗖的一声从他耳边飞过。

    A bullet whistled past his ear .

  15. 子弹从他身上穿了过去。

    The bullet went straight through him .

  16. 子弹未击中预定的目标。

    The bullet missed its intended target .

  17. 一排子弹呼啸而出。

    A volley of shots rang out .

  18. 一颗子弹嗖的一声从我耳边飞过。

    A bullet whizzed past my ear .

  19. 一颗子弹穿透了他的肩头。

    A bullet ripped into his shoulder .

  20. 这辆车被子弹打得千疮百孔。

    The car was riddled with bullets .

  21. 子弹从他的脸颊擦过。

    The bullet grazed his cheek .

  22. 他的车在客座位的门上嵌着一颗子弹。

    His car has a bullet lodged in the passenger door .

  23. 已经无法判断子弹是从哪里打进来的。

    It was already impossible to tell where the bullet had entered

  24. 牛排老得嚼不动,豌豆像子弹一样硬。

    The steak was tough and the peas were like bullets .

  25. 我起身时一颗子弹嗖的一声从我背后擦过。

    As I stood up a bullet whistled past my back .

  26. 他这把左轮手枪只有7梭子子弹。

    He had only seven rounds of ammunition for the revolver .

  27. 它们挺安全的,因为都没上子弹。

    They were quite safe because they weren 't loaded .

  28. 墙上仍然有她的子弹留下的凹坑。

    The pockmarks made by her bullets are still on the wall .

  29. 橡皮子弹被用来驱散示威人群。

    Rubber bullets were used to break up the demonstration .

  30. 身处黑暗中让我不至于被子弹打得浑身是洞。

    The darkness saved me from being riddled with bullets .