
zhōnɡ zǐ fēi tán xìnɡ sǎn shè
  • neutron inelastic scattering
  1. 热中子非弹性散射及其在材料科学中的应用

    Thermal neutron inelastic scattering and its application to the material science

  2. 高效率Be过滤探测器中子非弹性散射谱仪

    A Beryllium Filter Spectrometer With High Efficiency for Neutron Inelastic Scattering

  3. 金属氢化物(AlH3)n的热中子非弹性散射谱

    Inelastic scattering spectra of thermal neutrons by aluminium hydride ( alh_3 ) _n

  4. 本工作也较好地解释了非晶态Invar合金中由中子非弹性散射和磁化强度测量所获得的自旋波劲度常数的差异。

    In this work , the difference between the stiffness coefficients obtained from the inelastic neutron scattering and the magnetization measurements for amorphous Invar alloys was also explained .

  5. 快中子非弹性散射γ全能谱测井实验与谱分析

    Experiments of Fast-Neutron Inelastic Scattering Gamma Spectroscopy Log and Its Spectra Analysis

  6. 有缺陷铁磁体的中子非弹性散射

    Inelastic scattering of neutrons in ferromagnetics with imperfections

  7. 应用直接作用模型计算中子非弹性散射截面时的一种调参方法

    A way of adjusting parameters in the direct interaction model of inelastic neutron scattering

  8. 中子非弹性散射反应

    Neutron inelastic scattering reaction

  9. 中子非弹性散射能谱学

    Inelastic neutron scattering spectroscopy

  10. ~(208)Pb平均振幅或形变参数系统研究及中子直接非弹性散射截面计算

    Systematic Research on Amplitudes or Form Factors and Calculations of Neutron Direct Inelastic Scattering Cross Sections for 208 Pb

  11. 用中子相干非弹性散射、沿三个主晶轴方向测量了同构异质晶体NaBrO3和NaClO3的声子色散关系。

    The dispersion curves of phonons along three crystallographic axes for isomorphous crystals NaBrO_3 and NaClO_3 have been measured by using coherent inelastic neutron scattering .

  12. 碳氧比能谱技术主要是利用快中子与地层发生非弹性散射时产生的碳和氧的特征伽马射线的比值来确定套后含油饱和度,在测井行业已成功地使用了多年。

    Carbon / oxygen spectrum technique uses the ratio of characteristic gamma ray of carbon versus oxygen when fast neutron and formation have non-elastic dispersion to determine oil saturation . It is used in logging industry for many years .

  13. 密封,D-T脉冲式中子发生器是利用中子非弹性散射于体内碳与氧的活体量测上。

    A sealed , D-T , pulsed neutron generator is used for the in vivo measurement of body carbon and oxygen by neutron inelastic scattering .

  14. 本文扼要地叙述了热中子与凝聚态物质相互作用的基本散射理论,说明了热中子非弹性散射实验方法的特点。

    A brief description of the elementary scattering theory of the interaction between the thermal neutrons and the condensed matter is given and the characteristics related to the experimental method of the thermal neutrons inelastic scattering is described .