
zhōnɡ jiān tài
  • intermediate;intermediated state
  1. 抽象化的双层变迁定时PETRINET可用于嵌入式系统设计过程的中间态模拟。

    The abstracted double transitions timed Petri Net can be used to model the intermediate results ( as well as the final results ) of embedded system design .

  2. 本文估计了矢量介子中间态对由重夸克组成的重矢量介子辐射衰变到Higgs粒子的宽度的贡献。

    An estimation of the contribution from the vector meson intermediate state to the width of the radiative decay of a heavy vector meson into Higgs particle is given .

  3. 用Ps作探针研究化学反应中间态及中间过程

    Probing intermediates and intermediate process in chemical reactions with positronium

  4. 本文分析标准模型中包括t及c夸克中间态的蝌蚪图对K~0→2π的振幅及ε′/s的贡献。

    The contributions of tadpole diagrams including t and c quark intermediate states to the amplitude of K ~ 0 → 2 π and ε ' / ε are analysed .

  5. 因此,新金刚石是一种由Fcc结构向金刚石结构过渡的中间态结构。

    Therefore , we suggest that n-diamond is indeed an intermediate state between the fcc structure and diamond structure .

  6. 用准原位EPR,XPS方法观察到活性中间态Ni+的存在。

    The presence of active intermediate state of Ni + was assured by EPR and XPS methods .

  7. 中间态对应于BR蛋白向胞外的质子释放过程。

    The M state and its decay kinetics are considered important to the proton release of BR .

  8. 详细总结了不同Sn含量的Au/Sn扩散中,初始态、中间态和最终态的金属间化合物的形成次序、形貌、分布、演化等特征。

    Features of formation sequence , topography , distribution and evolvement in different states and different Sn content during Au / Sn diffusion was comprehensively summarized .

  9. 不同成分的镀液体系不同程度地表现出了电感,界面电容性较弱,这可能与Cr(Ⅲ)还原过程的中间态吸附膜有关。

    Different components of plating solution system show different electrical inductance . Interface capacitive is weak because it related with that Cr3 + reduction process of the middle of the state on the adsorption membrane .

  10. 通过快速循环伏安法检测到了MnO2电极上存在着中间态粒子的还原过程,该粒子浓度可累积,并逐渐消耗直至消失,寿命可持续约200周循环;

    The concentration of the intermediate particle could be cumulated and its life could be up to about 200 cycles .

  11. 通过测定在不同变性时间下盐酸肌浓度对荧光强度的影响以及荧光强度随pH有规律的变化,进一步证实了该蛋白质变性过程中形成较稳定中间态的结论。

    A regular change in fluorescence intensity at differen time could be determined due to the change of concentration of Cdn · HCl or low pH. The conclusion was further confirmed that the protein formed a stable intermediates state in the denatured processes .

  12. 计算结果表明,这是包括一个过渡态和两个中间态的多步反应,反应过程中Br+所带的正电荷经正离子中间体[C6H6Br]+转移给H,是电子转移过程。

    From the results of the calculations , it is a multistep reaction including a transition state and two intermediate states . A positive charge of Br + transfers to H by means of intermediate [ C_6H_6Br ] + . In fact , it is a process of electron transfer .

  13. 结果表明,用不同测量方法得到TIM的变性过程均高度协同,没有观察到折叠中间态,应用单分子二态去折叠模型计算了TIM去折叠的热力学参数。

    Results show that the unfolding of TIM is highly cooperative and no folding intermediate was detected in the experimental conditions used . The thermodynamic parameters of TIM during guanidine denaturation were calculated according to a two-state unimolecular unfolding model .

  14. 数值计算结果表明,一维无公度系统Aubry模型存在扩展态、中间态和局域态。

    Using numerical calculation , it is found that there are extended states , intermadiate states and localized states in the Aubry model of one-dimensional incommensurate systems .

  15. 本论文的研究工作主要有:一、本文研究了中间态引入量子干涉的双光子共振非简并四波混频(NFWM)。

    The thesis is divided up into the following two parts : In the first part of this thesis we studies the two-photon resonant nondegenerate four-wave mixing ( NFWM ) in the middle level via quantum interference .

  16. 纳米粒子是一种介于宏观固体和分子间亚稳态的中间态物质。

    Nanoparticles are intermediate materials between bulk materials and molecules .

  17. 折叠中间体,折叠中间态物体的中心点或中点。

    Folding intermediate the center point or middle of something .

  18. 超导体的中间态热力学研究

    The thermodynamic research on the middle state in superconductor

  19. 而α-LA除了折叠态和去折叠态,还存在一个稳定的中间态。

    Except folding and unfolding states , a-LA has another stable intermediate state .

  20. CuO-ZnO-ZrO2催化甲醇水蒸汽重整反应机理和中间态

    The Intermediate State and Mechanism of the Steam Reforming of Methanol over CuO-ZnO-ZrO_2 Catalysts

  21. 那么这就是我的中间态。

    So there 's my intermediate state there .

  22. 我们可以设计直接的光谱实验,来观测中间态。

    You might be able to design direct spectroscopic observations of intermediates and so forth .

  23. 第二,中间态的能量采取了平均值。

    Second , an average value is used for the energies of the intermediate states .

  24. 荧光相图法研究牛血清白蛋白变性和复性过程,捕捉部分折叠中间态。

    The unfolding and refolding of bovine serum albumins and the existence of intermediates were studied by fluorescence phase diagram .

  25. 模拟结果显示:模型蛋白分子的某些折叠中间态会陷入局部能量最低状态而无法完成折叠;

    The thermodynamic feasible status of the model protein , as described by HP model , and its folding intermediates were captured .

  26. 实难结果表明荧光相图法可以检测蛋白南去抓叠的中间态。

    The experimental results show that the " phase diagram " method of fluorescence can be used to detect unfolding intermediates of proteins .

  27. 无机纳米粒子是特征纬度尺寸在纳米数量级的粒子,是一种介于宏观固体和分子的亚稳中间态物质。

    Inorganic nanoparticle is a particle with smaller characteristic latitudinal dimension than100nm , being a substance between macroscopic solid and sub-stable immediate of molecule .

  28. 提出极性对立形容词中间态的存在,从而尝试建立更为细节化的极性对立形容词的典型连续统。

    It advances the presence of the intermediate state of polar opposition adjective , and tries to establish more detailed typical continuum of the polar opposition adjectives .

  29. 采用一种简便易行的控制方法,对一个由延时微分方程描述的无穷维光学系统的双稳行为进行控制,成功地稳定了滞后循回曲线中不稳定的中间态;

    Abstract Using a very easy and very convenient method , we controlled the unstable intermediate state of the hysteresis loop in an optical bistable system governed by a delay differential equation .

  30. 以过渡态理论为基础,模拟酯水解的四面体中间态结构,以硫原子为四面体过渡态类似物的中心原子来设计和合成了一系列布洛芬结构类似的半抗原和全抗原。

    To elicit catalytic antibodies for the ibuprofen methyl ester hydrolysis , the tetrahedron structure compound contained sulphur was designed and synthsis as hapten which is mimic of TSA , based on the transition state theory .