
  • 网络lattice wave;lattice vibration;James Ihedigbo
  1. 指出一维单原子链的格波解是由于采用了循环边界条件的结果。

    The lattice wave solution of single atomic chain only results from the cyclic boundary condition .

  2. 一维双原子晶体的表面格波

    Surface lattice waves in one - dimen - sional diatomic crystals

  3. 利用力常数可表成张量形式计算动力学矩阵D(K→),讨论了长波限下氯化铯晶体格波的运动特征。

    A tensor method to calculate the dynamical matrix of the lattice vibration of CsCl crystals was used , and the characteristics of the lattice wave of CsCl crystals in the long wave was discussed .

  4. 基于绝热近似下的Kubo-Greenwood公式,考虑低激发声子是长格波,本文提出一个分析高阻金属中低温下晶格振动影响电流传导的简单模型。

    Starting from the Kubo-Greenwood formula modified to include ion vibrations under the adiabatic approximation and considering that the low-lying excited normal modes of lattice vibrations are long-wave-length elastic waves , we propose a simple model for phonon-induced electrical resistivity at low temperatures in highly resistive metallic alloys .

  5. 讨论晶格的光频支格波对晶格热容的贡献,得到了这部分热容的表达式。

    The thermal capacitance of optical lattice vibration is discussed .

  6. 长声学格波即弹性波的论证

    A proof on the long wavelength acoustical lattice waves namely elastic waves

  7. 本文还对各种表面格波中的原子振动方式作了一定的描述。

    In addition , this Paper describes the atomic vibration in different surface lattice waves .

  8. 利用格波与自旋波的对应关系研究晶体的物理性质光频支格波对晶格热容的贡献

    Study of Physical Properties of a crystal by means of Corresponding Relationship between Lattice Waves and Spin Waves

  9. 以一维单原子链为例,对晶格振动的行波解和简正坐标进行了分析和讨论,给出了一种新的格波解。

    The plane wave solutions and ortho coordinates of lattice vibration are analyzed . A new solution is given .