
  • 网络Multi-wire saw;multi wire saw
  1. 太阳能硅片多线切割机是太阳能光伏产业链硅片生产流程中的关键设备,硅片加工质量的好坏将直接影响到后续的加工效率和成品率。

    Multi-wire saw ( MWS ) for solar silicon wafer is the key equipment in the solar silicon wafer manufacturing process in photovoltaic ( PV ) industry . The processing quality will directly affect the following the processing efficiency and yield .

  2. 多线切割机是电子器件制造产业链中的关键装备,广泛应用于单晶硅、多晶硅、人造蓝宝石、人造水晶、光学玻璃、磁性材料、压电陶瓷等贵重硬脆材料的切片加工领域。

    Multi-wire saw ( MWS ) is the key equipment in manufacturing industry chain of electronic device , which is widely used to slice monocrystalline silicon , polycrystalline silicon , sapphire , synthetic crystal , optical glass , magnetic materials , piezoelectric ceramics and other expensive crisp and hard materials .

  3. 而LED多线切割机被日本和瑞士企业垄断,成为制约我国LED产业发展的瓶颈。

    LED MWS is monopolized by Japanese and Swiss enterprises , and becomes a development bottleneck that constrains our country LED industry .

  4. LED基片专用摇摆式多线切割机是半导体照明产业中衬底切片的专用装备。

    Swing type multi-wire saw ( MWS ) for LED substrate is the special equipment in the LED wafer manufacturing process in semiconductor lighting industry .

  5. 同时增加自动绕线机构和放线侧排线器,得到LED多线切割机机械机构。

    At the same time , automatic winding institutions and row wire institutions of the pay-off side are increased , and LED MWS mechanical institutions is got .

  6. LED多线切割机在系统功能结构、控制策略、自动化程度等几个方面与传统多线切割机有较大区别和提升。

    LED MWS have great differences and ascend than traditional MWS in the system function structure , control strategy , automation degree and so on several aspects .

  7. 针对主从-位置算法的局限性,建立LED多线切割机自动绕线的数学模型,提出一种并联差分耦合控制算法,并对其有效性进行证明。

    The limitations of master-slave-position control algorithm are analyzed , and through establishing a LED MWS mathematics model of the automatic winding , a kind of parallel differential coupled control algorithm is put forward .

  8. 本文研究的LED多线切割机的几项核心控制技术,对数控多线切割机系列化装备的研制具有重要意义,同时对工业领域相关控制课题的研究具有重要的借鉴作用和参考价值。

    In this paper , a few core control technology reserched in LED MWS has an important meaning for the NC MWS series equipment development . At the same time , it has important reference function and value for the industry related control topic research .

  9. 多线切割机线张力控制系统设计实现

    Design and Implement of Wire Tension Control System for Multi-wire Saw

  10. 多线切割机磨削热的不良影响及消除

    Effect and Elimination of the Grinding Heat of Multi-wire Saw

  11. 高精度多线切割机数控系统关键技术及其应用研究

    Key Technologies and Its Applications Study on CNC System of High-precise Multi-wire Saw

  12. 多线切割机加工过程中应力控制的研究

    Study on Stress Control in Multi-wire Sawing Process

  13. 以典型机电张力系统&多线切割机为研究对象,建立了多线切割机系统的耦合模型及神经网络解耦控制策略;

    The study investigates thoroughly the typical electromechanical tension systems – Multi Saw Wire , establishes its coupling modeling and intelligent-decoupling control strategy .

  14. 本课题正是针对此问题,深入系统地研究磁性材料切片专用多线切割机系统控制机理和技术实现途径。

    This dissertation is aiming at these problems , the control mechanisms and the technical implementation of MWS for magnetic materials are deeply and systematically studied . ( 1 ) The significance and the background of multi wire slicing technology are discussed .

  15. 多功能数控线切割机控制软件

    A Software Development for Controlling Multi functional Numerical Wire Cutting Machine

  16. 本文介绍的软件是多功能的线切割机控制软件,已为某厂的产品所用,该产品已通过鉴定。

    The software presented in this article is a multi functions program for microcomputer controll of wire-cutting machine tool , and it has already run on the some factory 's product .