
  • 网络Dysbaric osteonecrosis;DON;decompression osteonecrosis;dysbaricosteonecrosis
  1. 512名海军潜水员减压性骨坏死调查分析

    A survey on dysbaric osteonecrosis among 512 Navy divers of PLA

  2. 目的比较分析影像学方法中的电子计算机断层扫描(CT)、磁共振成像技术(MRI)与X射线平片间诊断减压性骨坏死(DON)的诊断优势。

    Objective To match the merits of image diagnoses of dysbaric osteonecrosis in divers with X-ray plain film , computerized tomography ( CT ) and magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) .

  3. 结论CT、MRI对DON检出率较高,且具有病灶重现性好、诊断符合率高的优点,是目前较为理想的减压性骨坏死的影像学诊断方法。

    Conclusions CT and MRI show high rates of foci finding for dysbaric osteonecrosis and good foci reproducibility with high rate of compliance in diagnoses , at present which is comparatively ideal image diagnostic method for dysbaric osteonecrosis .

  4. 一次高气压暴露导致减压性骨坏死&附2例报道

    Dysbaric Osteonecrosis Resulting From One Hyperbaric Exposure : Report of 2 Cases

  5. 此外,本次还发现一例罕见减压性骨坏死病例,其骨损伤分布于肘关节。

    We found a rare case with bone lesion in the elbow joint .

  6. 结论定制型人工髋关节是治疗Ⅲ期减压性骨坏死的有效方法。

    Conclusion Custom made prosthesis replacement is an effective treament for stage ⅲ dysbaric osteonecrosis of femoral head .

  7. 计算机辅助定制型人工关节治疗Ⅲ期减压性骨坏死一例

    A case of dysbaric osteonecrosis of femoral head treated with computer assistant design and custom made total hip prosthesis

  8. 在49名减压性骨坏死患者中,不饮酒者的发病率是饮酒者的3倍。

    Among 49 divers with DO , the incidence of wine-undrinking divers is three times as many as wine-drinking divers .