
  1. 薄层液膜下金属电化学腐蚀电池的设计

    Design of electrochemical corrosion cell for metal under thin layer electrolytes

  2. 声发射技术在金属电化学腐蚀与应力腐蚀研究中的应用

    Application of acoustic emission technique in study of electrochemical corrosion and stress corrosion cracking processes of metals

  3. 本文在前三章中主要介绍了腐蚀的基本知识和基础理论,如金属电化学腐蚀的热力学原理和动力学原理。

    Chapters in this paper is mainly about the corrosion of the basic knowledge and basic theory , metal electrochemical corrosion of thermodynamic principles and dynamics .

  4. 研究表明合金钢表面镀氮化碳薄膜之后,能显著降低阳极金属电化学腐蚀电流,使金属表面明显钝化。

    The results indicate : after plating carbon nitride thin film on the surface of metal , anode electrochemical current is significantly reduced and the surface of metal become dull with good etching proof .

  5. 电极电位测量是研究金属电化学腐蚀最简单实用的方法之一,已在高参数锅炉水化学研究中获得了有效的应用。

    The measurement of electrode potentials of metals is one of the most simple and practical methods in researching electrochemical corrosion of metals , the effective application of which in the investigation of circle water chemistry of utility have been acquired for recent years .

  6. 介质性质对金属材料电化学腐蚀的影响

    Influences of medium property on the electrochemical corrosion of metal materials

  7. 奥氏体不锈钢焊缝金属的电化学腐蚀性能

    Electrochemical corrosion properties for weld metal of austenitic stainless steel

  8. 论述了金属的电化学腐蚀和外加电流阴极保护原理。

    Electrochemical corrosion of metal and principle of the applied current cathodic protection are expounded .

  9. 地铁走行轨杂散电流的存在,会对埋在地下的金属产生电化学腐蚀作用。

    The existent stray current around the running rail of metro will make electrochemistry corrosion to underground metal .

  10. 薄液层下金属的电化学腐蚀是大气腐蚀的重要特征之一。

    Electrochemical corrosion of the metal under thin electrolyte layer is one of the most important features of atmospheric corrosion .

  11. 尘土颗粒腐蚀金属是电化学腐蚀过程,可溶性盐的含量是内因,环境条件是外因。

    Dust corrosion is electrochemical reactive process , in which dissoluble salts are the internal cause , and environmental condition is the extrinsic factor .

  12. 鉴于金属的电化学腐蚀是阳极(活泼金属)被腐蚀,可以借助于外加阳极(更活泼的金属或直流电源)将井下的管道、道轨作为阴极保护起来。

    Because the metal electrochemistry eroding is originated from the anode of metal , the metal material pipes and tracks can be protected as the cathode by adding anode .

  13. 本文提出用电场理论和电化学相结合的方法来研究交流腐蚀,从而产生了一个新概念&电场腐蚀论。受变化极快、强度甚大的交流干扰电场作用,金属的电化学腐蚀过程将发生变化。

    In this paper , a new way to investigate the AC corrosion on the basis of the theory of electric fields in combination with that of the electrochemistry is proposed .

  14. 钢轨轨道要做到对地的完全绝缘,是相当的难度的,因而,电流会通过钢轨泄漏出去,形成杂散电流,对地铁沿线附近的埋地金属具有电化学腐蚀。

    Rail track being fully insulated away the ground , is quite difficult . Thus , the current leaks from the rail and forms stray current , which causes corrosion to the buried metal damage along the MTR lines .

  15. 大气中SO2对金属银的电化学腐蚀行为

    Electrochemical Behavior of SO_2 Corrosion of Silver Electrode in Air Environment

  16. 介绍了介质性质(成分、浓度和温度)对金属材料的电化学腐蚀的影响,并提出防护措施以提高材料的抗腐蚀能力。

    The influences of medium property ( composition , concentration and temperature ) on the electrochemical corrosion of metal material are introduced . Thus protective measures are put forward to improve the performance of corrosion resistance of metal materials .

  17. 杂散电流会对地铁周围埋地金属结构进行电化学腐蚀,缩短金属管线的使用寿命,降低建筑设施的强度,严重时会威胁到人员的安全。

    Stray current can cause electrochemical corrosion of the metal buried around the metro , shorten the service life of the metal pipes , reduce the intensity of the building facilities and even worse threaten the safety of the personnel .

  18. 金属材料自然环境电化学腐蚀检测仪器的研制及应用

    Development and Application of Electrochemical Detecting Instrument on Metallic Material Corrosion in Environment

  19. 通过预氧化处理和调控电解温度,可实现金属相的先氧化后溶解腐蚀,避免金属相的快速电化学腐蚀。

    Oxidation of the metal phase before dissolution could be realized by pre-oxidation thermal treatment and controlling the electrolysis temperature , to avoid the fast electrochemical corrosion of the metal phase .