
  • 网络The Dark Portal;Beyond the Dark Portal;BLACK GATE
  1. 黑暗之门后面隐藏着怎样的危险和奖赏?

    What dangers and rewards lie in wait beyond the Dark Portal ?

  2. 小精灵长久以来和暗夜精灵保持着深层度的联系,并且会在黑暗之门后危险的边疆尽一切力量来保护他们尚为凡人的卡多雷盟友。

    The wisps have long been deeply connected with the night elves , and will do all in their power to protect their now-mortal Kaldorei allies in this new and dangerous frontier beyond the Dark Portal .

  3. 耐瑟加德要塞的部队开始进攻在黑暗之门的兽人。

    Forces from Nethergarde beseige the orcs at the portal .

  4. 卡德加,艾莉瑞亚,库德兰,达那斯与图拉扬牺牲他们自己,封闭了黑暗之门。

    Khadgar , alleria , kurdran , danath , and Turalyon sacrifice themselves to seal the portal .

  5. 兽人被击退到黑色沼泽的黑暗之门外围。

    The Orcs are pushed back to the brink of the Dark Portal on the Black Morass .

  6. 因为暴风城相对来讲离黑暗之门近一点,你可以飞去诅咒之地,骑马到黑暗之门然后飞去荣誉堡。

    SW is relatively close to the Dark Portal , you can fly back to Blasted Lands , ride to the .

  7. 黎明在黑暗之门前弹着她的琵琶,当太阳出来时她便甘心消失。

    Dawn plays her lute before the gate of darkness , and is connect to vanish when the sun comes out .

  8. 我的意思是,我们起初在《燃烧的远征》中将外域的入口黑暗之门设计成恶魔群聚之所;而玩家们的反应非常恶劣。

    I mean , we originally had the entry to burning crusade 's Dark Portal as a bunch of cohorts walking around , and people reacted badly .

  9. 还有疯狂法师麦迪文开启院士黑暗之门&该行为导致了第一次大战并使强大的兽人来到了艾泽拉斯世界。

    And the opening of the original Dark Portal by the crazed wizard Medivh – an action that ushered in the First War and introduced the mighty orcs to the world of Azeroth .