
  • 网络salma;Thrallmar;Selmer
  1. 美国萨尔玛-降E高音,高压塑料管体,镀镍按键。

    Selmer USA-Eb soprano , high-impact plastic body , nickel-plated keys .

  2. 一年多前移居爱尔兰的年轻埃及医生萨尔玛•阿德尔(SalmaAdel)说,快递是她最怀念的一件事。

    Salma Adel , a young Egyptian physician who moved to Ireland more than a year ago , said delivery was one of the things she missed most .

  3. 摩洛哥王妃LallaSalma是摩洛哥历史上第一个改变了皇室一夫多妻制的平民王妃,也被正式册封为拉拉·萨尔玛公主。

    Princess Lalla Salma of Morocco is the princess consort of King Mohammed VI of Morocco and the first wife of a Moroccan ruler to have been publicly acknowledged and given a royal title .

  4. 你们和萨尔玛联系过了吗?

    Did anybody speak with Salma 's people yet ?

  5. 对萨尔玛法的分析与评价

    Analysis and evaluation of sarma 's method

  6. 考虑震动附加力的岩质边坡稳定萨尔玛分析方法及其应用

    Sarma Stability Analysis Method of Rock Slope with Additional Force of Earthquake Effect Considered and its Application

  7. 分析了萨尔玛方法能考虑边坡震动效应的优点和震动效应的表达方法,指出该方法与其他方法的区别。

    The Sarma method , which could take the merit of slope vibration effect and the expression means of vibration effect into account , with the difference contrast to other methods were analyzed firstly .

  8. 选用定量分析的极限平衡分析法-萨尔玛法进行初步的稳定性评价,再通过数理统计分析的模糊聚类分析法建立数学模型,并进行进一步的稳定性评价。

    Firstly , a preliminary evaluation of landslide stability is conducted by the limit equilibrium analysis method-Sarma method . Then , establish the mathematical model according to the fuzzy clustering analysis method to study the stability of the landslide further .

  9. 骨汤作为一种健康饮食潮流在2015年初露锋芒,但在今年早前的冬季才真正形成发展势头。著名影星格温妮丝•帕特洛、萨尔玛•海耶克和谢琳•伍德蕾都成为其粉丝。

    Bone broth as a healthy foodie trend first started to take off in 2015 , but really gained momentum during the winter earlier this year , with Gwyneth Paltrow , Salma Hayek , and Shailene Woodley coming out as fans .

  10. 从影片的音色中可以判断出人物众多,包括萨尔玛•海耶克,约翰•瑞里,托比•琼斯和文森特•卡塞尔在内的强大的演员阵容饰演了“巫师和仙女,可怕的怪物,食人魔和年老的洗衣女工,杂技演员和交际花。”

    The billing for Tale of Tales gives a clue as to the timbre of a film populated by " sorcerers and fairies , fearsome monsters , ogres and old washerwomen , acrobats and courtesans " - played by a strong ensemble cast that includes Salma Hayek , John C Reilly , Toby Jones and Vincent Cassel .