
  • 网络Palmisano;Sano;Rossano;Cesano;Conversano
  1. 萨诺特有的专业咨询服务,也是开启成功之门的一把钥匙。

    The unique Sano consultation concept has been the key to success here .

  2. 《王牌大贱谍》(AustinPowers)主角奥斯汀&12539;鲍尔斯的床就能在他的指令下旋转起来,播放巴萨诺瓦音乐。

    Austin Powers 's bed rotates and plays bossa nova at his command .

  3. 我们在美国的管理将被迈克尔·J。楚萨诺进一步增强,他是营销和销售专家,是市场的权威和创新思想家。

    And our management in the U.S.A.will be further strengthened by Michael J.Chiusano , a marketing and sales professional , a profound authority on the market and an innovative thinker .

  4. 那太棒了,因为波萨诺沃是我最喜欢的音乐。

    Which was brilliant because bossa nova is my favourite music .

  5. 此后的爵士曲调包括融合爵士乐、波萨诺瓦爵士乐,以及方克。

    Later strains of jazz include fusion , bossa nova , and funk .

  6. 而波萨诺瓦是慢节奏的桑巴,融合了法国印象主义与美国爵士风格。

    and bossa nova , a slower samba infused with French impressionism and American jazz .

  7. 是的。我觉得这是一大部分的答案了。萨诺?

    Right . I think that 's a big part of the answer . Saro ?

  8. 楚萨诺两兄弟仍留在公司,迈克尔是公司总裁。

    Both Chiusano brothers are remaining with the company , Michael as president of Cusano .

  9. 里约人吃饭时间较晚,他们通常一边吃饭一边办趴,巴萨诺瓦乐队在广场上弹唱。

    Cariocas eat late and they eat as they party , with a bossa nova band playing in the square .

  10. 西班牙美食评论家朱丽亚o佩雷兹o洛萨诺指出:毫不夸张地说,米其林星相当于把你放在了美食地图上。

    Michelin puts you on the gastronomic map , literally , says Spanish food critic Julia P é rez Lozano .

  11. 塔的设计者已无从知晓,但是据说波男诺比萨诺设计的。

    Nobody is certain who designed the tower , but for many years it was said that Bonanno Pisano was the architect .

  12. 我懂了,因为我做了很多工作楚德吉尔伯托,她做了很多波萨诺瓦音乐。

    Korocusci . I got it because I do a lot of work with Astrud Gilberto , and she does a lot of bossa nova tunes .

  13. 在近日俄罗斯世界杯墨西哥队首场出战对阵德国队的比赛中,墨西哥球员伊尔文?洛萨诺攻入唯一进球,墨西哥球迷们无法抑制他们内心的喜悦。

    Mexican football fans could hardly contain their joy when Hirving Lozano scored a goal against Germany in Mexico 's opening game of the World Cup .

  14. 吉赛尔将伴着巴西音乐家保罗•乔宾钢琴演奏的著名巴萨诺瓦爵士乐登上马纳卡纳球场的舞台。保罗•乔宾的先父安东尼奥曾在1962年创作了这首风靡世界的音乐。

    Gisele will strut into Rio 's Maracana stadium to the strains of the famous bossa nova jazz song , played on a piano by Brazilian musician Paolo Jobim , whose late father Antonio composed the worldwide hit in 1962 .

  15. 一间客房的价格,比如莫斯科丽思卡尔顿酒店(924美元)和圣保罗法萨诺酒店(720美元),就可以透露出俄罗斯和巴西商品市场正在全线哄抬物价,同时,这也削弱了其他产业的竞争力。

    The price of a room in Moscow 's Ritz-Carlton ( $ 924 ) and S ? o Paulo 's Fasano hotel ( $ 720 ) are telltale signs that the commodity wealth in Russia and Brazil is bidding up prices across the board , eroding the competitiveness of other industries .