
zhòng hé jīn
  • heavy alloy
重合金[zhòng hé jīn]
  1. 烧结时间对W-Ni-Fe重合金的组织结构及性能影响的研究

    Effect of sintering time on microstructure and mechanical properties of W-Ni-Fe heavy alloy

  2. W-Ni-Cu重合金不平衡凝固与固溶强化

    Investigation on solid solution strengthening and nonequilibrium solidification in W-Ni-Cu heavy alloy

  3. W基重合金的成分设计和性能

    The Composition Design and Performance of W Heavy Alloys

  4. 高NiFe比W-Ni-Fe系重合金预应变时效研究

    Strain-aging of W-Ni-Fe Heavy Alloy with High Ni / Fe Ratio

  5. W-Ni-Fe-Co(Mn)系重合金中Mn的存在状态及其作用机制

    States , Action and Mechanism of Mn in W-Ni-Fe-Co Series Heavy Alloys

  6. CPU重力热管使用不同天然工质时的传热特性实验研究热挤压钨重合金纤维方向对绝热剪切特性的影响规律及机理研究

    Experimental Study on Heat Transfer Characteristics of Thermal Syphon under Different Natural Working Fluid ; Effect Mechanism of Fibre Orientation on the Adiabatic Shear of as-Extruded WHA

  7. W-Ni-Fe重合金相界偏析的研究

    Interfacial Segregation of W-Ni-Fe Heavy Alloy

  8. 研究了烧结温度对高钨含量W-Ni-Fe重合金显微组织及力学性能的影响。

    The influence of sintering temperature on microstructure and mechanical properties of high-W tungsten heavy alloys has been studied .

  9. 研究了W-Ni-Fe重合金组织结构及性能与烧结时间的关系。

    The influence of sintering time on the microstructure and mechanical properties of W-Ni-Fe heavy alloy has been researched .

  10. W-Mo-Ni-Fe重合金金属间化合物相析出机制研究

    Precipitation mechanisms of intermetallic compounds in W-Mo-Ni-Fe heavy alloys

  11. 纳米晶钨基重合金粉末的注射成型与固相烧结

    Powder injection molding and solid-state sintering of nano-crystalline tungsten heavy alloy

  12. W-N-Cu重合金固溶强化的机理研究

    A study on solid solution strengthening of W-Ni-Cu heavy alloy

  13. 热挤压钨重合金纤维方向对绝热剪切特性的影响规律及机理研究

    Effect Mechanism of Fibre Orientation on the Adiabatic Shear of as-Extruded WHA

  14. 钨-镍-铁系重合金中粘结相的定量测定

    Quantitative Determination of Binder Phase in Tungsten-Nickel-Iron Series Heavy Alloys

  15. 烧结温度对高钨重合金性能的影响

    Effect of Sintering Temperature on the Mechanical Properties of High-W Tungsten Heavy Alloys

  16. 电阻压焊用重合金电极的研制

    Development of heavy alloy electrode for resistance pressing welding

  17. 钨基重合金注射成形工艺研究

    Metal injection moulding of w-based heavy alloys

  18. 钨基重合金的烧结

    Sintering of tungsten heavy alloys

  19. W-Ni-Fe重合金的断口研究

    Fractography of W-Ni-Fe Heavy Alloy

  20. 结果表明:钨基重合金的显微组织和力学性能与烧结温度密切相关。

    The results show that microstructure and mechanical properties of W-based heavy alloys are closely related with sintering temperature .

  21. 钇基重稀土合金变质团球γ+(Fe,Mn)3C共晶体增强奥氏体钢基自生复合材料

    In-Situ Austenite Steel Matrix Composites Reinforced by Granular γ + ( Fe , Mn ) _3C Eutectics Prepared with Y-Based Heavy RE Modifier

  22. 磁头用高质量大卷重MH-80合金研究

    High Quality MH-80 Alloy in Heavy Coil Strip for Magnetic Head

  23. 重费米子合金的自洽理论及其应用

    A self-consistent theory of heavy-fermion alloys and Its Applications

  24. 采用低廉的锌基重溶合金钎料和新型钎剂制作斜拉结构拉索锚头。

    The stant pull structure anchor chain terminal is made by the cheap reclaimable zinc based alloy brazing material and a new type of brazing flux .

  25. 重费密子合金的SlaveBoson平均场理论

    A slave-boson mean field theory for the heavy-fermion alloys

  26. 原子半径反常大的Eu和Yb使基体强度增加最大,重稀土铂合金的强度一般高于轻稀土合金。

    The strength of the matrix would be improved by adding Eu and Yb with abnomal large atomic radius . The strength of heavy rare earth - platinum alloys is generally higher than that of the light rare earth platinum alloys .

  27. 胶辊磨削质量的磨具选择和工艺探讨不重磨硬质合金面铣刀

    The Research of Grinding Process of Spinning Cots throw-away face cutter

  28. 多品种重稀土硅铁合金的试生产

    The Test Production of Varieties of Heavy RE Si-Fe Alloy

  29. 不重磨硬质合金面铣刀光秃的(严重磨损的)轮胎

    Throw-away face cutter bald ( ie badly worn ) tyres

  30. 端铣刀和侧面铣刀磨床不重磨硬质合金面铣刀

    End mill gashing and radius grinder throw-away face cutter