
  • 网络The Economy of Attention;the attention economy
  1. 注意力经济与电视传媒发展战略

    The Attention Economy and the Developmental Strategy of TV Media

  2. 注意力经济时代媒体的策略选择

    Strategies for the Media in an Era of Attention Economy

  3. 传媒产业的经济本质具有双重内涵:版权经济和注意力经济。

    One is copyright economics , the other is attention economics .

  4. 第一章主要阐明什么是注意力经济以及注意力经济产生的原因。

    The first chapter mainly expounds what is attention economy .

  5. 因此,注意力经济市场是一种零和市场。

    So the attention economy market is called the Zero Effect Market .

  6. 首先分析了注意力经济下互联网产业的商业模式。

    The first is about the business model of the Internet industry .

  7. 该部分认为:媒介经济是注意力经济。

    Media economy being attention economy is the core topic in this part .

  8. 注意力经济下的报纸广告

    Advertisements for Print in the " Attention-span Economy "

  9. 试论注意力经济条件下的图书馆工作

    Library Work under the Condition of the Attention Economics

  10. 不只是吸引&注意力经济时代的视觉艺术

    Beyond Vision Not only Attraction & Visual Art in Age of Attention Economy

  11. 注意力经济与四川旅游业的发展

    Attention Economy and the Development of Tourism in Sichuan

  12. 注意力经济&文化产业的策略选择

    Attention economy & the strategy choice of culture industry

  13. 注意力经济对电子商务的影响

    The Influence of Attention Economy on Electronic Business

  14. 21世纪是注意力经济时代,旅游是一种注意力经济。

    The 21st century is the attention economy , tourism is a focus economy .

  15. 注意力经济对网络企业的挑战及其应对策略

    The Strategies on the Challenges of " the Economy Attention " Facing Network Enterprises

  16. 体育营销在注意力经济中的创新

    Innovation of Sports Marketing In the Attention Economy

  17. 第三章探讨娱乐经济在注意力经济中的地位。

    The third chapter discusses the entertainment economy .

  18. 注意力经济与发展气象信息产业

    Attention economy and developing meteorological information industry

  19. 第二章阐明了明星体制是注意力经济中的基本体制。

    The second chapter illustrates the star system is the basic system of attention economy .

  20. 第四章分节探讨了注意力经济下的各种媒介产业的发展方式。

    The fourth chapter discussed the development way of various media industries under attention economy .

  21. 电视传媒只有真正为受众提供优质服务,才能创造出注意力经济效益。

    Only by rendering the audience first-rate service can TV media create attention economic benefits .

  22. 坦白来说,我觉得在当前这种“注意力经济”的时代,要做到“一心不二用”的确非常困难。

    Frankly , I am finding this increasingly difficult to do in our attention economy .

  23. 其次分析了注意力经济下的电视节目制作与影像的生产方式。

    The second is about the television program manufacture and the mode of image production .

  24. 在“注意力经济”时代,电邮的价值正迅速接近零。

    In the " attention economy " the value of e-mails is rapidly approaching zero .

  25. 21世纪,蓬勃发展的互联网经济被认为是注意力经济的代表。

    In 21st century , as the representative of Attention Economy , Internet Economy are flourishing .

  26. 从注意力经济看我国电视频道专业化

    Seeing the Professionalization of China 's TV channels from the Perspective of " Attention Economy "

  27. 在知识经济、注意力经济时代,品牌就是生产力,就是文化力,就是竞争力。

    Brand means productivity , cultural strength and competitive edge in knowledge economy and attention economy times .

  28. 互联网企业属于高收益行业,重点是注意力经济。

    Internet business belong to the high profitability industry , which focus on the economy of attention .

  29. 20世纪末以来,注意力经济开始在全球范围内兴起。

    Attention economy began to rise in the global scope since the end of the 20th century .

  30. 现代经济是一种注意力经济,在聚集消费者注意力的各种企业标识中,商标居于核心地位。

    Modern economy attaches great importance to customers ' attention to enterprise signs and especially the trademarks .