
shuānɡ ɡuānɡ shù fēn ɡuānɡ ɡuānɡ dù jì
  • double beam spectrophotometer
  1. 核酸样品经日立双波长和双光束分光光度计测定,在258nm左右有一吸收高峰,低峰在230nm附近,呈现出核酸的紫外吸收光谱曲线。

    It was shown that when nucleic acid preparations were examined by two-wavelength and double beam spectrophotometer , the high and low absorption peaks were at 258 nm and 230 nm , respectively , ( Fig. 1 ) which was in accord with typical ultraviolet absorption spectrum of nucleic acids .

  2. 以IR-460岛津双光束分光光度计为例提出一种用于5μ以下分光光度测量的红外格兰·空气隙偏光棱镜。

    IR Glazebrook-air gap polarizing prism for spectrophotometric measurement below 5 μ wavelength by taking IR-460 Shimazu double-beam spectrophotometer for example .

  3. 双光束分光光度计在分子吸收光谱测量中起着十分重要的作用。

    Spectrometer with dual light beams takes significant role in molecular absorption spectrum measurement .

  4. 本装置由两台等温内凸锥空腔黑体炉、一台带水冷观察窗的旋转样品炉、一台双光束光栅红外分光光度计和一台九点循环控温仪组成。

    It consists of two blackbody furnaces with an isothermal convex-inward cone cavity , a double-beam infrared spectrophotometer with a double-grating and a nine-point cyclic temperature control equipment .

  5. 采用显微硬度仪,MY-1型三参数测试仪,双光束紫外可见分光光度计测定了ZnO纳米块体材料的硬度,电性能和光吸收特性。

    Microhardness , electrical properties and light absorption are measured using durometer , MY-1 three-parameter durometer and UV-vis spectrophotometer respectively .

  6. 用带计算机控制系统的UVVis8500型双光束紫外可见分光光度计定量测量和分析了市场上某品牌汽车太阳膜的光谱特性。

    A dual-beam ultraviolet / visible spectrometer ( UV-Vis 8500 ) automatically controlled by computer was used to measure qualitatively and to analyze the spectral properties of car solar films of a certain brand in the market .